Adventure 14

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As Midoriya gets dragged away to the dorm, she just keeps thinking about what happened. It is really hard to digest the fact that she is currently having a period.

"Is this really happening?...... Then am I going to marry someone and have a baby in the future?" Midoriya starts to imagine and starts blushing. But she simply gets those thoughts out of her mind by thinking about All Might and One for all. She glances at her hand and makes it into a fist.

"I don't have time for these kinds of things. I should concentrate more on becoming the No.1 hero...... anyhow who would be willing to love me as I am now?"

But if only she knew.....

"We are here!" Asui tells Midoriya who is busy pondering over something.

"What??" Midoriya looks ahead only to find herself in the girl's dorm.

"Why am I here?" she closes her eyes shut.

"Why? Because you are a girl." Jiruo states the fact.

"That..." Midoriya is out of words " aren't they embarrassed by having me, a male in their stay?"

"We don't feel any such traits from you," Tooru says it in a friendly way. But Midoriya takes it in the other way round.

"My manliness....." Midoriya sinks in a corner. Meanwhile, Kirishima sneezes elsewhere.

"Come Midoriya. Let's go." Uraraka grabs her hand and pulls her.


"To the girls' all-night party"

Soon enough Midoriya finds herself in the room of Momo. She watches all the girls bringing up a wide range of dresses from their rooms, forming a huge pile of clothes.

"What's all this?" Midoriya asks, not recognizing the bio-hazard.

"Nothing......It's nothing" the girls try to cover up. Who knows Midoriya might run away after knowing what might happen.

"By the way...Midoriya..." Momo shuts the door "Let's talk about periods first."

But Midoriya's instincts tell her to leave from this place as soon as possible.

"Well.....My mom already told me about will get goin..." but how will the girls let their feast leave after all the preparation.

"Not so fast" Asui catches Midoriya with her tongue.

Mina and Tooru pounce on her and hold her down.

"No escaping"

"But....." just when Midoriya tries to reason with them before being interrupted by Momo.

"Midoriya, Don't you see us as your friends"

"Yeah, It seems like you don't like being with us." Uraraka gives a sad gaze.

"No....It's not like that." Midoriya starts feeling guilty as she realizes she is hurting them. "Fine then, I will stay with you gals. I am sorry for hurting you"

"Just wait here. We will be back." The girls go out of the room leaving Midoriya inside all alone.

"Hahahaha......hahahahah" they start laughing out loud.

"She fell for it."

"How dumb can she be?"

"She is so gullible."

"And what's more, we can use this again and again to persuade her".

This was the girls' plan which they set up in the last moment. They thought this is just the last card they had to keep Midoriya bound. They already knew this wouldn't work out as it was way too obvious. But who knew Midoriya would be so dumb to fall for it.

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