Adventure 7

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Midoriya wanted to be a hero so that she can save people like All Might. She didn't care much about popularity. She never had any friends and was never popular to begin with. So when she saw the journalists and even some fans at the entrance, asking Aizawa-sensei to call Midoriya, she felt surprised because she didn't even dream of becoming popular and happy because many were comparing her to All Might.

But then she realized the harsh reality, she is not the same old Midoriya they want.

"Midoriya" She saw the girls coming towards her while calling her.

"You became really popular now!!!" Mina being the hyperactive one cheers her.

"That..." Midoriya didn't know what to say.

"Come on Midoriya. Go give a rocking interview." Uraraka advices Midoriya.

"Yeah do it!!" The other girls tell Midoriya.

Being riled up by their comments, she starts thinking what to say"What did All Might say during his debut?" she starts murmuring drawing the attention of the onlookers.

"Midoriya" Aizawa calls her while closing the gates.

"Sensei! What happened to them?" She asks.

"I sent them away." Aizawa answers lazily

"Thank you Sensei" Midoriya expresses her gratitude.

 "Now everyone get back to the class" He yawns and starts walking towards the class followed by his students.

All the girls seemed disappointed with the turn of events, all but Midoriya who is happy, she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the whole world.

"I was expecting some action" Mina hangs her head low.

"Yeah, we all wanted to see how they would react" the girls sighed in unison.

 All of a sudden a doubt popped up in Midoriya's mind. How to Aizawa-sensei, the man who hated press, persuaded the wild crowd so easily.

To clarify this, she asked him "Sensei, What did you say to them?"

Aizawa continued to walk forward and replied "I said them to come tomorrow since it's a holiday."

"WHAT?" Midoriya is clearly shocked on listening to his words.

"YAY" The girls shout in happiness. "Now we can show the world how cute Midoriya is?"

They start discussing among themselves on what to do while Midoriya is pondering on what to say on their way to class.

As soon as they reach the class, Aizawa tells everyone "All of you suit up, we are sparing today."


"Now this is interesting"

"I am gonna kick your butts, side characters"

Everyone start gossiping among themselves until they see something fearful.

Aizawa just glared at them and everyone become quiet.

"If you think this is fun then don't do it. Now listen completely, your are divide into four groups of five people each who spar among themselves in a battle royal (Where all five fight and one wins) and the four winners fight among themselves in the same way. Now get ready."

"All of you form a line and go." Iida commands other.

Everyone head toward the changing rooms.

Midoriya remembers something and asks Aizawa "Sensei, about my costume...", she know her old costume would be too big for her and too small at some places.

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