Chapter 8 -- Personnel Files

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    The cargo bay was very different from the last time Jane had seen it. Plastic crates were open everywhere, probably categorized. Some were stacked in such a way as to provide privacy in some of the bays. In one corner, close to the door, was the make-shift mess hall. A few tables had been set up, each surrounded by collapsible chairs. A couple of soldiers were working, but most of them sat in tight circles around the tables. They no longer wore their hibernation suits. Seeing them in uniform made Jane even more nervous. She hoped they wouldn't notice her. But they noticed her right away.

"Hey Hallowell." Someone called out.

"Hi Hallowell." A few others chimed in. Jane greeted them back, but continued undeviating to the back.

The engine room was separated from the cargo bay by two large metal doors that could be pushed over far enough to completely overlap the wall,leaving a very large entrance. The tanks were the largest structure in the room. Jane ducked under by-pass tubes and followed the parabolic voices.

Scott was the first to see Jane coming. He was hanging off a ladder, deep in the manifold. He nudged Josh, who was hanging off the other side of the ladder. The moment Josh saw Jane, he dropped what he was doing and climbed down the ladder, jumping the last few rungs.  He made eye contact with Jane, but the moment he did, she looked up the ladder and greeted Scott.

"Hi Jane." Scott replied innocently, then he slipped Josh a smug look and an awkward silence permeated the room. Scott pointed in the direction of the doors. "Did you know we were carrying military? I thought it was just chasers and grunts for that new planet out in the Rigel system."

"No, I didn't know we were carrying military." Josh said in exaggerated innocence. "Did you know Jane?"

"Captain wants you to sync the pods."

"But did you know? I bet you knew." Josh insisted.

Jane stared at him wondering if it was easier to be stubborn and not answer or if that would just give him more attention.

"No one knew. Passenger manifest is none of our business." Scott continued working.

"I knew." Jane replied.

This produced a reaction in both men. Josh passed Scott a smug look and Scott was annoyed.

"Yeah, I knew they were too." Josh admitted.

Scott turned violently to glare at his best friend. "You just told me that..." He shook his head. "Well, thanks a lot Josh, I don't know why I even listen to you when you do stuff like that."

Josh shrugged his shoulders, then pointed towards the big doors. "Hey, look at that guy."

"I bet he eats liars like you for breakfast." Scott said, all three of them looking at the soldier.

"What do you eat to get so huge?" Josh asked. "I mean that's just not normal."

"I'll bet he sleeps on the weight bench." Scott said.

"It wouldn't hurt either of you to spend some time on the weight bench." Jane said.

"Guys like us don't need to do weights. See, guys like that think all their problems are nails, but guys like us actually see what the problem is."

"And then send someone else to fix it." Scott added raising his hand for a high five which Josh promptly delivered.

"Right, I forgot: you're above everyone else." Jane said.

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