Chapter 51 -- Gu'bye Josh

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"You're sure you know where you're going?" It was the third time Josh had asked. Jane and Josh made their way through the underground service tunnel with a crate carried between the two of them. Inside the crate were various bits and pieces of a space suit--one deflated glove hanging over the edge like a dead fish, two cartridges of compressed nitrogen, a portable laser cutter, Michael's backpack, about fifty tiny oxygen tanks Jane found in the monster's room, and a clunky t-receiver Josh had found in the transport.

The space suit was for Josh, the TR was for Jane to communicate with him. The rest was for Josh to figure out how to get him from point A, the pod, to point B, the Eater's ship.

Jane was beginning to feel a little more confident with understanding the images sent to her by the monster. Directions were the easiest of all, they played out in a logical sequence like a perfectly clear memory, with certain items of the image standing out. Jane had learned to pay attention to the focal point of the image and where the images would pause, even if it was only for a fraction of a second.

"You're sure you know the way?" he asked again.

"Yes." Jane answered. She looked up at the dirty light fixture hanging from the ceiling. Even though she was coming through the service tunnel for the first time, the light was familiar. It had burned out long ago but when Jane looked up she could see the memory of it glowing yellow.

Josh looked behind him for the fifteenth time. "I'm beginning to consider what motives they would have for ignoring us." Jane was instantly nervous; Josh was catching on fast.

Jane's light illuminated a set of doors. For handles they had levers, above the lever on the left side was a round keyed lock. The lock was not a problem though, because both doors hung haphazardly on their hinges. One door hung at an angle and the other had a deep indent where the impact had occurred.

"Looks like we're not the first ones in here." Josh stated. "But at least we missed the rush."

Jane moved through the doorway, trying not to touch the precariously hanging doors. Josh followed her, the crate swinging between them.

Now they stood in a narrow but tall concrete box. Above them was a landing, they could see through the metal grating. The stairs leading up to it were on the right. On the left were huge green plastic pipes that disappeared into the ground.

"That's where the power comes in." Josh pointed to the pipes.

Jane began the ascent backwards, the crate carried awkwardly between them. The colour had returned to Josh's face. His skin reminded Jane of John's, they were about the same rich colour. But Josh didn't have John's mouth or his jaw line, although Josh's lips were no longer dry and cracked.

"Admiring greatness I see. You're not the first, nor will you be that last."Josh flashed one of his patented Joshua Lashgari smiles.

"You've recovered quickly. Way too quickly."

The smile faded and a look of sincerity came over Josh's dark features."Like I said before, someday, I'm going to take you home. You're going to meet my..."

Jane groaned audibly. "Don't start that."

"Fine, fine. But you'll see."

At the top of the stairs Josh stopped causing Jane to stop. He set the crate down, Jane set her side down as well. "Would you look at that!" Josh's voice echoed through the room sounding far louder than he had intended it too. He covered his mouth with his hand and moved even closer to Jane. "Oops." he whispered. Then he mouthed the word sorry, very emphatically. Then with wide eyes he gestured to the machine in the center of the large room.

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