Chapter 26 -- The Gathering

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"Do not hesitate Michael."  Soon stood before him, weaponless.  "Take it."  She pointed to the weapon on the ground.  "Because if you don't, I'm going to."

    Michael moved quickly, turning, so his back would block Soon who pressed him from behind.  His left hand gripped her arm while he shoved his weapon into her ribs.

    "Good." she said.  Then in a swift move, she twisted the weapon out of his hand and threw it.  It hit the cave wall and clattered to the ground. Michael watched it go, frustrated.  How did she keep disarming him?

    "You're hesitating again." she said. 

    Michael smiled.  He knew that in hand to hand combat, he had the advantage; and while Soon moved in close he stood his ground, knowing her moves would be difficult to execute in such close range.  Plus, he had longer arms.

    Soon grabbed onto Michael swinging herself around him.  "You know I talked with your sister this morning."

    "Nice try." Michael said, preparing his stance. 

    "No really, I did.  It was my turn to stay with her and I thought she could use some conversation.  She has an innocent way, your sister.  I like her." 

    "What did you talk about?"  The words made Michael cough, but he wanted Soon to think she was getting somewhere.     

    "I'm not telling you."  Soon answered. 

    Michael grabbed Soon around her neck and in one swift move, he went down on one knee, throwing his weight and pulling Soon with it.  He pinned her to the floor.

    "Nice move." Soon smiled and then she put her arm up, twisted her hips and then rolled away.  Michael was powerless to keep his hold.  He lunged at her, but Soon tucked and rolled perpendicular.  Michael lunged again but Soon was already on her feet.  And the next thing Michael knew she had the weapon pointed at him.

    "I  should have gone for the weapon rather than you." he said.

    Soon tossed the weapon to him.  "Well I can't blame you, given the choice, we both know which is better."  Soon winked at him.

    Michael pointed at her.  "I'm on to you.  Now I know that move, you'll never get away with it again."

    "I have a hundred others.  You'll never catch up."

    Michael squared his shoulders.  "Watch me."

    Soon took two steps closer and smiled mischievously at Michael.  "It's a good thing I like you."  she said.  "We fight until we know every move, until everything we do comes natural and one movement causes a memorized chain reaction of infinite possibilities."

    "Like a machine."

    "This is the only way to fight the Anders."  Soon put her hands on Michael's shoulders.

    "And what about Seehoiah?"

    Soon stepped back as though she had been hit, her smile gone, her head bowed.  "Do not curse us."

    "Yeah, that's pretty much the reaction I always get.  I asked Kill about Seehoiah. You have the weapons; you have the skills.  If he's such a threat why not eliminate him.  Kill told me only the people in the cities made that mistake.  Then John gave me a look that told me to drop it. What is it about Seehoiah?  Why is everyone so reluctant to talk about it?"

    "I think it is because we fear that talking about him, will bring him.  And to see Seehoiah is to see death."

    "But why not try?"

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