Chapter 31 -- Traditions

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    Another week had passed and Jane was becoming quite comfortable in her new position by the jars.  There wasn't as much food to prepare, but Jane was learning many other skills, and she was an audience for the children to show off to.  Push-ups were a favourite and many of the children could do them in all kinds of ways.  And sometimes they would convince her to join them.  She managed ten push ups with one child on her back, and half of a very improper push up with ten children on her back, all stacked up and laughing.

    Sometimes Jane thought Oosa would get after her, become angry for playing with the children rather than working. Her parents would have, but Oosa never did. 

    "Jane!"  Soon rushed into the circle of workers looking around with dire urgency. Everyone froze, including the children.  "Jane!  Oosa where is Jane!?"

    Oosa pointed to Jane.  "What is wrong with your eyes Soon?  Start using them girl."

    Soon completely ignored Oosa's tone and moved close to Jane.  "I can't believe what I have just heard from Michael.  I can't believe it!"  Soon's eyes shone and Jane leaned back under their gaze.

    "I heard it just now!  And I had to come and see if it was true, but I think it is true!  I have to know because no one ever has.  And Michael said it was true and he would know because he was there!"

    Soon looked like she could continue for quite some time in her expression of acquired bliss, but Oosa grew impatient.  "What is it Soon?  Stop spinning around the subject and say it!"

    The commotion had attracted more than just the people sitting in the circle near the jars.  Several others had joined the group and everyone was watching. Soon knelt right in front of Jane and clasped her hands together. "You were found by John!"

    Jane didn't know what this meant, but apparently everyone else did.  The children oohed and giggled.  The men rolled their eyes, others joked and laughed.  Jane watched the word get passed from woman to woman, unable to stop the sudden momentum that propelled the information in all directions.

    "Found by John!"

    "That's what Soon said."

    "By John!"

    "Michael told her."

    "Michael was there."

    The circle grew larger with women every second, full of hungry eyes wanting to hear more.

    Soon shuffled even closer to Jane.  "I think I speak for every woman here when I ask—what was it like to kiss John?" 

    Jane almost dropped the bag in her hands.  Her face had gone pale, "What?"

    Tanna moved closer to Jane.  "Every woman here wishes she had been found by John.  You must tell us everything!" 

    Jane didn't need to say anything, the confusion on her face answered for her.

    "Look at her, she has no idea what you are talking about."  Oosa said,  "You'll have to explain this tradition Soon."

    Soon got comfortable, sitting cross-legged in front of Jane, her back to the listening crowd, an excited grin across her face.  "It is a little game we play."  Soon explained. 

    "Not a game—a tradition."  Tanna said.

    "That too!" The excitement that fed Soon was making her speak too quickly.  Jane found it difficult to understand and it didn't help that her brain was resisting.  "It is common to find pockets of people, we get separated, sometimes people get trapped or there are wounded people too.  Anyways, this tradition—it is something independent of who you are, or what connections you have with what people.  It is above tribes and room-sharing.  It is an expression of gratitude"

    Tanna leaned over, "And every one of us is grateful for John!"  Several people laughed at this.

    "You still look confused Jane, it is a simple thing really.  If you are not accounted for, you know, if the children don't know where you are, because that is their job of course.  Teaches them to watch, to be aware.  Well, a party is sent out after you, when they find you it is the custom to kiss your rescuer.  You know as a gesture of gratitude, like I said."

    "But no one was looking for us."  A vague memory came to Jane of a dark corridor underground, of women filing out of a room, leaning their faces up to kiss the men as they passed by them.  Jane had thought of this little scene a few times and had always dismissed it as a dream. 

    "They don't have to be seeking you out.  All they have to do is find you.  It is different, ah, this is true.  We've all heard Maymio's telling about being rescued by Miksim."

    "Oh, I love that story."  Aatann said, and then blushed and shrunk back with a smile still on her face.

    "We all love that story,"  Soon continued,  "There are many other stories, we all love hearing them, but John avoids rescuing, and no one can blame him, considering what happened.  He must have known something was different that day he sought out you and Michael.  But that is John'sway, he has an ability for these kinds of things.  He sees things the rest of us don't.  Oh,"  Soon sighed,  "John is so handsome."

    "He's not handsome, he's gorgeous!"  Tanna awkwardly brushed her hair away from her face using the heel of her palm, her fingertips covered in black grease from the parts she was assembling.  "John is the best looking man here."

    "And now that we know John rescued you, every woman here is jealous of you." another woman added. 

    Everyone laughed.

    "I think they won't stop pestering until you tell."  Soon said.

    "Yes, Jane." Tanna said.  "We won't stop until you tell."

    Jane was in turmoil, and to make matters worse, they heard John's voice. Everyone became very interested in their work, although the smiles around the group could not be hid.  Jane noticed Oosa watching John and Kill as they passed, and that was enough permission for Jane to watch as well. 

    "Even if they went that far, they still would have been back by now."  John said, "I know we can't afford to lose anyone else, but we can't afford to do nothing." 

    Kill nodded, deep in thought as they walked past the group and disappeared down the corridor next to the jars.  John looked passed Kill to Jane, and his eyes lit up when he saw her looking at him.  Jane gave a quick smile and then looked away.  Everyone continued working, their minds far from their work, until Kill and John's voices were long gone. 

    Jane felt bold. "So the tradition is that if you get separated from the group," Jane waited for conformation.

    "Ah,"  Oosa said, reaching over to pat Jane on the knee, "This is right Jane."

    Jane continued. "Someone is sent to rescue you."

    "And when they find you, you get to kiss them.  I've kissed Miksim."  Soon stated with a smile.  Then every woman was shouting out warriors they have kissed.  Soon raised both her hands, "I tried to get John, but ended up kissing Hoshe!"

    Everyone laughed heartily over that.  When the group quieted down, the attention fell on Jane.  Jane thought of about fifty different things to say, they flashed into her mind but were almost instantly replaced like product on assembly line.  And because nothing was right to say Jane ended up being able to say nothing. What little confidence she had felt was gone, flip and flop, part of the dance again.  John's words came into her mind, you don't have to categorize into right and wrong—you don't have to see that way.  Jane sighed.  "I didn't kiss him." 

    The surprise around the room was great—a general tumult, both in movement and in speech.  But Jane didn't see or hear, she was tied up in herself, held hostage by her own thoughts.

    Oosa stopped her sewing.  "How can you all look that way?  How long has Jane been our sister?  How well have we taught her?  It is only yourselves that is to blame."  Some of the women looked down, but most of them ignored Oosa.

    "You'd better make him pay up."  Tanna said.

"No, no!"  Soon spoke loudly to the group but when she turned to Jane she leaned in close and spoke quietly.  "It is you who owe him, and if I were you, I'd definitely take advantage of that."  Soon's eyebrows rose in a knowing expression.

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