Chapter 32 -- To Have Something

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    Time passed quietly away as Jane worked.  Each day brought her some new entertainment, and she watched the lives of those around her, trying to find her own.  Her mind busy processing the many things she learned about the Akai'nii and about herself.   Many of the wounded had healed enough to help out, and there were always people coming and going.  But most of all Jane watched John.

    This new information from Soon had created a wedge between Jane and John.  She knew John didn't feel it, but Jane felt it keenly, and it made her hate her parents.  Jane knew it was wrong to blame them, but she couldn't not.  Everything was still confusing.  Sorting herself out would take time.     

    Sometimes Michael would come and sit and assemble weapons beside her.  These days were precious to Jane, Michael had always been able to make her laugh, and today was one of those days. 

    "Look what I get to play with."  Michael opened the case and inside were many black metal bits: springs, u-bolts, shielding, grangers.

    "Nice."  Jane replied, "but look what I get to play with."  She held up her hands.  Michael took one look at the blue stains and cringed, then gagged overcome by the smell of iron and flesh.  But Jane didn't want to torment him too much.  Michael was happy, and when Michael was happy, part of Jane was happy too.  Her past seemed far behind her today, something she could turn a blind eye to, like the stain on your shirt, or the stains on your hands.

    Old Makoyii called out for Oosa.

    "He's not here Master."  Michael said.

    "She promised she would tend to this for me."  Makoyii passed Michael a glove that had been pressed inside out, the stitching inside loose.  "She told me Hoshe could do it, or Aatann.  Makes no difference to me.  I'll just wait here until you are done."  Makoyii went over to the rounded ledge that separated the area with the jars from the natural amphitheatre.  He leaned back, his head resting on a rock, and promptly fell asleep.

    "Do you know how to do this?"  Michael whispered.

    "No.  Do you?" Jane whispered back.  "I've seen Oosa do it."

    "I've seen John do it.  Hey, maybe it's like one plus one—the two of us together make someone who can sew.  You know they sew the planet into these things.  It has some strange magnetic qualities, makes a surprisingly strong armour."

    Jane pulled out a needle and thread, concentrating hard on threading the needle as she had seen others.

    "Do you want me to go first?"  Michael asked.

    "Yes.  I like it when others go first."

    "I don't mind." Michael looked over the seam.  "I guess I start at the beginning and go to the end.  Sounds logical."

    "Did you ever wish Mom and Dad had done this?"

    "Sewed something?"

    Jane laughed, the first genuine laugh in weeks.  "No, gone first.  It's just, well, I know I learn best this way.  I watch, then assess, then assimilate. If I decide I want to do something, it is nice to see someone else do it first.  It's probably a cowardly way to be.  I feel like it is."

    Michael shrugged his shoulders and pulled up on the needle to pull the thread tight. He pulled the needle so far, the thread slipped out of it.  "Uh-oh, uh Jane.  A little help here." 

    But Jane wasn't paying attention to Michael, she was watching the dune buggies. Michael glanced over and found Will, the mechanic, and John working a seized caliper.  Michael called her attention to the needle separated from the thread and Jane threaded it for him.

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