Chapter 12

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Katherine's pov

I stare at the moon thinking what am I going to do leave or stay. If I leave they'll follow me. I turn and look at Daniel and I don't think I could handle leaving him. I've been alone for so long and now he's in my life actually let me rephrase that he's my whole world now.

I was standing in the balcony completely lost in my thoughts when some strong arms and a familiar scent hit my nose. 

"what are you doing out here" Daniel said. 

I turned "just thinking" he looked at me worriedly

"what about" I looked in his eyes and said. 

"about how happy you make me" his whole face lit up with happiness it was adorable. He leaned down and kissed me.

"I.....I you Katherine" he whispered into my ear.

 "I love you to Daniel" as soon as I said it I knew I could never leave. It wouldn't only hurt me but it would also hurt him. We headed back inside and got back into bed Daniel wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest and fell back asleep.

Daniels pov

I watch Katherine sleep cuddled into my chest and I just keep replying her saying I love you to over and over in my head. I just can't believe that she loves me. She so cute when she sleeps I kiss her head and go back to sleep.


I woke to find Katherine not in bed again but the smell of bacon was filling the room so I climb out of bed and headed to the closet to get dressed. When I walked into the kitchen I found Katherine cooking eggs and bacon and it smelled delicious. it seems she hasn't noticed me yet. I walk behind her and wrapped my arms around causing her to jump a little and then she relaxed into my arms. 

"well good morning" she says. 

I smile and say "morning" she finishes cooking and sets the food on the table and we both sit and eat. shes an amazing cook.

Katherine's pov

    Daniel and I where sitting enjoying the food I cooked when this red headed girl walked in she glared at me an then in this really annoying screechy voice she said 

"Danny look who's back" he turned to look at her and he looked like he was about to barf on her he looked at me and reached for my hand taking it in his and pulling me up. He warped his arm around me and calmly said "hi Mindy welcome back" she again glared at me "Danny what are you doing you beautiful girlfriend is over her not that thing there" she ruddily said. 

I glared at her and Daniel got pissed "you will not speak to your luna that way" he yelled at her she looked shocked "she's the luna?"

" yes I am" I almost yelled I was mad and wanted her gone she left the room and Daniel kisses me. 

""""""""""""""A few hours later""""""""""

I was walking down a path in the forest by myself yeah yeah I know I'm not suppose to be by myself blah blah blah. I needed to get away from everyone and just walk in the woods. I head a branch snap in the distance and looked to where it came. Three guys stepped out of the bush I silently cursed when I saw one of the guys tattoos. He's a hunter.


A/N. Hey guys here's an update I know I'm ending it with a cliff hanger and I promise once all my exams are over I'll update again this chapter is dedicated to my bestie Jordan Ekman as a thanks for the update she did on her book for my birthday hope you guys enjoyed

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