-8- The Taste of Orange

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Welcome to ze eighth chapter!
Things are getting more interesting now, for real!
Enjoy the chapter!
(Please notify me of any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct them ASAP)


Natsuki's POV

Whoever thought it was a good idea to let someone like me carry this idiot, is probably an even bigger idiot!

Although, you could not have given me credit for carrying anyone, since I was merely dragging the guy along the ground. I would not dare try to carry him on my back. One thing was for certain, though; this was the first time visiting a guy's house, and it certainly has been crazy so far.

Anyone who was not aware of the context of this situation, would have probably thought I just murdered a guy, while currently trying to bury the body in the garden. What a drag this was, if only this stupid idiot didn't try murdering me by bombarding himself on top of me. If only this guy was more responsible, by taking better care of himself.

That got me thinking. When I asked about his parents, he told me there was not anyone home. Aside from it being irresponsible from Dan, I think it was actually more irresponsible from his parents to leave him home alone when he was this ill. Then again, I might not have been in the position to have an opinion about it.

After about a minute of grinding, I finally managed to lay Dan down on the couch in the living room. Letting out a long, exhausted sigh, I took the liberty of taking a seat next to where his head was resting. "Ah, what to do now..."

The subject of suffering next to me groaned a little, and as I looked down at him, I noticed he seemed to be sweating profusely. I felt a sudden cold sweat run over my own body at the same time, feeling a certain responsibility, seeing Dan so weak. I shortly touched his forehead, checking his temperature. "Geez, that's hot," I almost instinctively wanted to retract my hand, from the surprising shift in temperature.

"...keep your hand there?" I heard Dan mumble a half finished sentence, not even opening his eyes as he did it. "Nice... and cold..."

I could not help but laugh. So, Dan was the type to just blurt out random things whenever his head was scrambled.

"...and soft," he breathed.

That did it, though. I finally retracted my hand. "You just embarrassed yourself, idiot," I told him sternly. However, I was more scared for myself. I simply hoped he was not going to spout even more embarrassing stuff after this. With that thought ringing in my head, I felt an even stronger obligation to try and fix him up. "I'll get you something to drink, and some medicine."

He mumbled something inaudible as I left him behind on the couch. Without much choice, I dared myself into the unknown kitchen. Frantically searching through all the cupboards eventually resulted in me finding some tea. "Dan, you okay with orange tea?"

Dan gave me a somewhat positive sounding response. So, I boiled water in the kettle and got the tea going. In the meantime, I continued my frantic search for the medicine. Cupboard, after cupboard, after cupboard, after cupboard. Somehow, I managed to look through every cupboard before the one which actually contained some medicine. Lastly, I quickly filled a glass with water.

"I'm back," I announced, returning with the two glasses in my hands, and the medicine in the pocket of my blazer. "The tea's still hot, so-"

"Love... orange tea," he told me groggily.

That cracked me up. Apparently, he was still mentally fixated on my question from earlier. Poor guy. "I'm glad. Anyway, I got you some water as well. So, take your medicine with that first," I told him, setting down my haul from the kitchen on the coffee table in front of us.

Nothing happened. The sick idiot stared at me absentmindedly, as if he did not hear a thing I just told him. Not that it would have surprised me. "Is this a date?" he blurted out, giving me a serious look.

I let out a lengthy exhale, rubbing my temple with one hand. "Why a-are you even thinking about that?"

His serious look turned into a questioning one.

"What about 'me taking care of you' sounds like a d-date to you?"

He did not answer.

"O-o-on top of that, why would you even consider m-me? Like, going on a d-date with me?" I had a very difficult time comprehending his way of thinking. Luckily, I knew he was unhinged due to his high temperature, which made me feel considerably less flustered. There was no way this guy, or any guy for that matter, would consider going on a date with me if he were thinking straight.

"I think..." he began mumbling into the pillow. "I'd very much..." he coughed, struggling with his words. "...enjoy hanging out with someone as pretty as you," finally, Dan exhaled in relief as he managed to form a proper sentence.

"You should take your medicine. Now," I ordered, sitting myself down in a chair, watching the idiot finally taking his medicine.

After that, I anticipated for it to kick in. Not his medicine, no. The fluster. Me, getting flustered, that was. My hands found their way to my face, desperately trying to cover myself. I was clearly not used to getting compliments, I also was not sure what I was supposed to do with this feeling. I was in shambles, that was certain.

"Good tea," Dan mumbled, sipping from his tea, after having downed the water with the medicine. He drank some more, until he decided he wanted to lie back down. I figured it would have been better if he were to finish his tea, but it was not like I had any power left in me to force him. Before I knew it, he seemed to have fallen asleep.

After a deep sigh escaped me, I let my hands fall back to my lap. Nothing, was what I stared at. There was so much I felt like thinking about, that nothing seemed more comfortable as a result. Surprisingly, thinking about nothing made minutes feel like they were seconds passing. The sudden urge to check on Dan was what awoke me from my empty daydream.

Waking him up felt harsh to me, though. So, I settled for taking his temperature. However, a detailed examination was not needed. From just feeling his forehead, I could already tell he was almost as hot as before.

"I guess a fever won't just go away like that," I chuckled to myself. I sat myself down against the same couch whereupon Dan laid as well. It surprised me how tired I was, even though I technically did not do much at all. Unless having to carry the idiot really did have such a heavy impact on me. Or his out of pocket comments.

I rested my head against the couch unconsciously, closing my eyes. He started playing around with my hair, apparently...

He started playing around with my hair.

That was what he did.

"Your hair is really soft," Dan mumbled behind me.


"No problem," he replied nonchalantly, as he kept caressing my hair, gently.

I was officially defeated. I had arrived at the final stage: acceptance. My face felt like it got heated to boiling temperature, but it did not faze me anymore. I lacked the experience to know what to do in these situations. And so, I accepted my defeat, practically boiling as a result.

He had not stopped, either. And he was so gentle while he did it. It felt calming to me. I honestly did not mind it at all, despite me being flustered to near death.

Near death turned into near slumber. I could not have helped it. All the tiredness welled up in me. My earlier fight against falling asleep came back this instance. I had no defense left.

I gave up.


Booga wooga wooga!

See you next chapter!

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