-22- Few Words

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Welcome to ze twenty-second chapter!
This is also known as the longest chapter I have written yet, kinda crazy in my honest opinion.
Have fun!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Natsuki's POV

"I've got some mixed feelings about this volume." I told Dan after closing the fifth volume of My Hero Academia. Dan looked a bit confused at what I said, "Huh? How so? I thought it was a great chapter." He looked at me questioningly and I shook my head. "No, it is a really good chapter, with plenty of great fights and a lot of character development..." We slowly trailed off into our discussion about My Hero Academia and quality of manga in general, but that was only until Monika pulled us out of it; which was probably a good idea, seen as we could've been here all day, just talking.

Monika called us all to the front of the classroom, "Alright guys, it's almost time, so gather up!" We all got up and left whatever they were doing behind. I think Yuri was reading some kind of mad horror story again; I don't know how she can stand reading such things, but hey, whatever floats her boat. Sayori seemed like she was actually writing a little story. That's pretty cool, can't see myself doing that.

We finally gathered at the front, where Monika seemed to be really excited to talk to us about something. "Okay guys, so as we all know, the Club Festival had passed last week, so we don't have to worry about that for another year." Monika looked relieved as she told us that, but before she could continue, Dan cut in. "So, uhh... I've been wanting to ask, are we going to do something else- OW!" I punched Dan in his arm, "You don't just cut her off as she's clearly trying to announce something, dummy!" I sighed and Dan apologized to Monika for interrupting her.

Monika simply waved it off, "It's fine, it just shows how dedicated you have become towards this club!" Dan looked away, embarrassed. "Anyway, what I wanted to announce, is some sort of reading club!" She jumped up excitedly and raised her fist into the air. Sayori was the one who reacted first, "Oooh! That's really cute, our little reading club! Ehehe." Yuri got excited too, "A-are we able to choose any g-genre?" Monika showed us her signature smile. "You sure are! And Natsuki, you are also able to choose a manga series." She winked at me. I looked away, "Pff, like I couldn't read any other book." This actually got me very excited, though.

"Yeah, you're totally crazy about being able to read manga for the reading club Suki." Dan butted in; smirking. "S-shut up, idiot!" Slightly embarrassed, but it was totally true. "But wait, can someone explain to me exactly how a reading club works? I've never been in one..." Dan scratched his neck out of nervousness. "Oh it's not that difficult, Dan. A reading club is just a group of people who all read books and share their thoughts about them with each other." Monika explained. "Sounds easy enough."


Author's POV

The school day was finally over and Dan was making his way to his locker. While making his way over there, Sayori came speeding down from the opposite direction, mumbling something about 'making it home before she freezes to death." Dan shook his head in amusement at his childhood friend. He wrapped himself with his scarf and stepped foot outside, where it was very cloudy and windy, and don't forget the chilly temperature from that morning which has been dropping constantly.

Before setting off to go home, the sound of an opening and closing door got his attention; it was Natsuki, who was also going home. To Dan's surprise, she wasn't wearing any additional 'winter' clothes. "Also going home, Suki?" Natsuki looked at him questioningly, "No, I'm staying at school 'till tomorrow, ya big doofus." He sweat dropped at her sarcasm. "Right, sorry." He stuck his tongue out, jokingly. "But Suki, aren't you cold with just summer clothes?" "Pfff, you dummy! Don't you think I'm able to-" Natsuki was cut off by a certain scarf, which was being wrapped around her head fully, seen as she was relatively small compared to Dan.

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