-12- Running late on a Sunday

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Welcome to ze twelfth chapter!
Good news! All that work I put into school the last couple of weeks paid off, meaning I don't have to redo this school year :*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
I can now write and relax in peace.
Have fun reading! (Hopefully!)
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Dan's POV

What is this oh so familiar and annoying sound and why can't it just shut up?
I opened my eyes, ready to kill whatever it was that was making that 'ear-raping sound'.
I turned around in my bed only to face the realization that that sound was the product of my one and only alarm clock. Oh that's right! It's Sunday today, the day I was supposed to bake cupcakes with Natsuki.
Just the thought of Natsuki and I baking together gets my face hot...wait what?

Getting out of my daydream, I focused my eyes on my alarm clock to actually check what time it was...
Oh sh-! I set my alarm too late! I jumped out of bed and grabbed some (hopefully somewhat clean) clothes as I ran to the door of my bedroom. I opened the door and decided that it would be most efficient to put my clothes on while running to the bathroom. But of course with my luck, I managed to get my head stuck in one of the sleeves of my shirt, followed up with me running against the door leading to the bathroom. Before entering the bathroom, I came to the conclusion that it would probably be the best idea to put my clothes on before I start running through the house.

After checking if I didn't have my clothes on backwards or upside down, I quickly grabbed my toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it and roughly brushed my teeth. While I was brushing my teeth with one hand, I put gel in my hair with my other hand. Out of the corner of my eyes, I was able to check the time on a nearby clock, only to then hear someone ringing the bell.


Natsuki's POV

I sighed as I finally plopped down the heavy bag full of equipment and ingredients.
That idiot better be ready and awake, if I came all the way here only to find him still sleeping, he can count on a beating alright. After I rang the bell I still had to wait a minute or two as expected, but I at least heard someone running like a madman in there. Finally someone opened the front door and I met eyes with the one and only Idiot, he had a toothbrush still in his mouth, his hair was messy and he had a red mark on his forehead.

"Well well well, Dan. Don't you look handsome?" I said while ruffling his already messy hair.
I was able to see his face heat up the moment I ruffled his hair.
"Stwop that!" He pouted with the toothbrush still in his mouth. "Lemme guess, you woke up too late?" "H-huh, n-no of course not!" I raised my eyebrows suspiciously, "Maybe I did, but that doesn't matter right now, shouldn't you come in?" "Yeah, that might be a good idea." I grabbed my bag full of stuff and entered his house, "Do you need me to carry that bag for you?" "What, do you think I'm too small or weak for that?" I swear that I saw him rolling with his eyes. "You know damn well that I didn't mean it like that." Dan sighed. "Yeah I know, I was just making sure." I stuck my tongue out at him.

We got to the kitchen and unloaded all the equipment and ingredients that I dragged all the way here.
"Is there something you need from my kitchen?" Dan asked me. I grabbed a small list from the bottom of the bag, "Here's a list with some common ingredients which are most likely to be found in almost every kitchen." Dan took the small piece of paper and went searching for all the ingredients.

"Alright, I think I got everything you wrote on the list." "Good, you can put it with the rest." With his arms full with ingredients, Dan slowly wobbled over to my side and plopped it all down.
Just to be sure, I checked if we had everything. "I think that that's everything." "It better be, I'm already tired." "You're so hopeless sometimes." "Sometimes? Whoa, I've been promoted!" "Yeah Dan, keep telling yourself that."


I'm already excited for the 'fluffy' parts :b
Hope you are too...
Smell ya later!

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