-16- One would assume

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Welcome to ze sixteenth chapter!
Let's go on with the story.
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Dan's POV

I still don't quite understand how I got in this situation,
But here I am, eating some damn good spaghetti with Natsuki and her dad.
I can tell from Natsuki's face that she's not really comfortable with this situation, while her dad is the complete opposite. He's trying really hard to get some conversations rolling.

"So Nat, how did the cupcakes turn out today?" He looked at her questioningly.

My vision wavered between the two; curious as to what will will happen.
He tried to break the ice a couple times already, all of them were unsuccessful.
But his next try, oh damn, we weren't ready for it.

"Are you maybe going to explain the set of clothes you're wearing?" His smirk grew.

Natsuki and I both met each others eyes, only to see the other's face light up from embarrassment.
We looked back at her dad, who was looked between the two of us innocently.

"So... are you guys going to explain or do I need to come up with my own ideas?" He looked at us with curious eyes.

I decided to start explaining, before this turned worse than needed.

"S-sir, while we were baking, the kitchen got real messy and we maybe got into a little food fight too..." I muttered that last part. "Whoah there idiot, you were the one who started the food fight so don't drag me along with your excuses!" Natsuki fired at me. I could see Natsuki's dad watching us with an amused face. "But you're the one who hit me back with those eggs remember?" "Yeah? So what, you've just admitted you started it," I muttered a 'crap' under my breath. "and don't forget the fact that you used the situation to kiss me." "I told you already that it wasn't on purpose, and by the way, didn't you kiss me back?" But after that, we fell silent; realizing our mistake.

We both turned our heads towards Suki's dad, and he looked less shocked than I expected. He then closed his eyes and began rubbing his temples. "So lemme get this straight, you two are baking cupcakes for the club festival, things get messy, you two then get into a food fight, the situation 'slips up' and y'all start kissing each other. If that's all the explanation I'm getting then I'm assuming not much good happened afterwards." He looked us straight in our eyes, he gave Natsuki a questioning look but he gave me a look I can only translate as 'I think we need to have a little talk later, boy.'.

Totally flustered after that, I sit down. Luckily for us, Suki takes it over. "No dad, i-it's not what you're thinking. We got really messy after the food fight so we took a shower, and Dan lent me some of his old clothes since I didn't have a spare change of clothes on me." Her dad looked at us again, but this time it wasn't as stern as before, it had a bit of... mischief. "Wait wait wait, so now you're telling me y'all went to shower together?!" Oh my god... I was so done with my life, I just hit my head on the dining table, awaiting my death.

The room went dead silent, just like I was. I could feel two pairs of eyes silently staring at me, followed by... laughter? I came back from death and looked at the two with utter confusion. "D-dad! Dad!..." Natsuki tried her best to calm down, but failed miserably. "I-I... HAHAHA think you really killed him!" "Ya think so? I think h-he looks livelier than before!" They just kept laughing, not even noticing that I'm alive again. "Dad just look at him, he looks like a dead cow!" Okay, now they're just making fun of me. Her dad looked in my direction to see that I was in my normal state again and not very amused.

He stopped laughing, "Uhm Nat?" He said while pointing in my direction. Natsuki looked at me with a face of shock and realization "Ehehe... maybe I went a little too far?". Before I could say anything, both Natsuki and I got pulled into a big hug by her dad. "Y'all are too amusing, haven't had this much fun in a long time..." he told us with a big smile. I could see Natsuki rolling her eyes "Isn't that because you're away drinking all the time?" His smile faded and he let out a sigh. "Nat, you know that that was in the past, these days I'm away for my job. Haven't I told you that many times already?" Natsuki didn't reply and looked into a different direction. But wait, things weren't always going great between Suki and her dad?


After that I decided it was time for me to go home and I was now at the doorstep. "Well Daniel, it was fun having you over for dinner, you should come again soon!" He laughed, "And thank you for taking care of my daughter today." He patted my shoulder. "N-no problem sir." I replied awkwardly. "You can just call me Asahi, makes it a little easier." I nodded. "Now then, I will leave you two to it." He winked at us before walking away. "Hey Suki, I'll bring the cupcakes with my car tomorrow, should I come pick you up too?" "Sure, would be nice." "Great, sounds like a plan!" I said with a thumbs up before turning around to leave.

"S-see you tomorrow, Dan!" I heard her call out behind me.

"See you then, Suki," I laughed and waved.


There y'all have it.
Thank you all so much for all the support!
Till next time!

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