Chapter 13

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Jaden squatted amongst the trees, focusing on his tracking under the moonlight. He had his eyes closed, allowing his other senses to take over for the minute. Mason was lucky they were best friends. Any other wolf would've left by now, knowing that between hunters and rogues pain could come.

When Mason had joined the pack, as the only other young turned wolf he and Jaden had bonded. The circumstances behind their change were different from most pack wolves. Although, at the end of the day, they both lost family and were once humans. Not many other born werewolves in the pack understood. What made them closer was that incident when they were 14.

Picking up a distinct blood trail Jaden's nostrils flared, and he got up following the trail for any more signs. Those other rogues had better gone far, or else he's happy enough to hunt them down himself.

It had been a full moon, and with them both being young they didn't have full control over their wolves. Mason had plotted with Jaden to see his mom that night. Jaden knowing better supported him, since he knew if he was in the same spot he'd do the same.

Mason lost control, and his mother saw something she shouldn't have. Jaden promised he'd take his secret to the grave since it would've gotten him cast out from the pack. Afterall Jaden would've done the same, but if he wanted to see his parents now he knew they'd be in one spot permanently.

"It'd be easier actually as a wolf you know" he heard a female voice say, and he sucked his teeth in annoyance.

While he could use the distraction he didn't wish for it from her. Ignoring Yasmin he opened his eyes looking at the river in front of him and narrowed his eyes. If rogues went this way they must've been trying to cover up their tracks.

"Who is that girl?" She asked again a little closer this time.

"None of your business" Jaden snapped.

Should he cross the river and continue following? They were already a decent distance from town, so maybe they did leave, but he liked being thorough.

"Does he like her?" she asked again voice quiet.

"It'd suck for you if he did huh? Let's hope he does" he replied.

She was the last person he wanted to be left alone with. He took a step forward annoyed that Yasmin moved to block his path. She looked sad which for once made him less upset with her, but not enough. There was too much history between them to tolerate her presence.

"I saw them together at that coffee place, they were talking and took his car somewhere"

"You know stalking is a crime in human laws and not the best way to win him back if that's what you're trying to do. Just a little advice" He said, stepping around her and walking down to the riverbed.

"Who is she?" Yasmin demanded again voice cracking.

She hated seeing him with someone else, he was supposed to be happy with her. They were supposed to be mates for the rest of their lives.

"He mentioned some girl he met in a coffee shop, I'm sure that's all she is," Jaden said.

There was no way he was going to tell her why Mason needed to get close to the girl. He hoped Mason kept it professional and didn't get too involved with her. She was cute but he was a werewolf now and not a human. Not to mention Yasmin was already jealous enough, she didn't need another reason to try attacking her.

"Let me help you then," Yasmin said, walking alongside Jaden as he tried avoiding her.

"I'd rather get tortured, no thanks. I'm not Mason, so you don't need to hang all over me." Jaden quipped without looking, then Yasmin put a hand on his shoulder making him turn towards her.

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