Chapter 36

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When Mason returned to the pack Jaden jogged up to meet him concerned. Apparently, he hadn't been the only one concerned either, as a few wolves followed behind him.

"Where have you been? We heard the hunters come back inside, and if we're going to attack, now would be the time," Jaden asked.

Mason looked at his friend and the rest of the pack, they deserved to know what lay ahead of them. Calling the other wolves over he explained as quickly as he could the hunter's plans, without revealing Valentina, or how he got it. Jaden gave him a questioning look but thankfully kept quiet listening to his friend explain the plan.

'So will we do this as wolves or people?' He heard Zane as a wolf ask.

Looking at the mixture of wolf and humans eyes Mason swallowed the lump in his throat, making him worry any decision he made would screw them over.

"We'll split up, those who know how to fight will stay behind and hold off the hunters. Some of our fighters will lead the defenseless wolves through the hunters before they set off their trap. We'll only have a few minutes once it's set off, but if enough wolves break through the line of hunters then we'll break up their formation. With those last few minutes, we'll try making it out and join the rest. Once you're free do not stop running, get as far away as you can." He explained and wolves all around him mumbled amongst themselves.

"Are you not running?"

"What about if the hunters catch you?"

"What if we can't make it?"

Those were all the questions he heard and he waited until they died down to speak. Jaden nodded, understanding his plan like usual.

"We're a pack now. If one can't make it we help each other, but I want to make sure each one of you attempts making it to safety with as minimal damage if possible. Now those who aren't already wolves should shift because the hunters are almost on us. We won't let them scare us from fighting in our strongest forms. Now go!" he said waving his hand. The wolves all dipped their heads, some breaking off into the trees, and a few standing and waiting for him and Jaden.

They both looked at each other not needing to share words to know they hoped nothing went wrong. In the time it took them to shift the hunters had appeared weapons in hand and ready to attack. Growling the wolves faced off against the hunters who broke through the trees, running at the wolves fearlessly. They weren't going to give them the time to organize an attack on them first.

All around him Mason saw wolves engaged with hunters who carried various weapons. Weapons designed to not only hurt the wolves but poison, and prevent them from healing. Thankfully Mason also saw that the wolves stuck together, helping one another instead of fighting the hunters one on one.

A hunter brandishing dual short blades that curved at the top approached Mason, along with another who wielded a similar weapon to his companion. They tried getting him from both sides but Mason jumped back out of their reach and turned, using his tail to knock into one of the hunter's stomachs. He stumbled back with but regained his footing just as his partner circled Mason slicing the air next to him and almost hitting his neck.

Backing out of the one hunters reach drove him to the others who swung both arms and attempted to cut him. with those curved blades, he knew they were designed to not only get stuck but cause him great pain. Planting his feet into the ground Mason summoned his speed knowing he was at a disadvantage in close quarters. He headbutted one hunter strong enough to send him flying back a few feet in the air and growled at the other, grabbing his leg in his mouth before he could run. He didn't bite hard enough to break the hunter's leg (although he could've) but instead, he swung the hunter into the other where they crumpled into a heap on the ground.

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