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*2 months later*

Valentina got out her car, locking the door behind her and running towards the hospital. Bursting in through the doors she quickly asked the nurse where to go and almost sprinted towards the elevator. It might've been summer break but as soon and she got the call that they had woken up she stopped her application and rushed on over. The elevator couldn't have taken any longer until it opened and she rushed forward towards their room. Opening the door she saw them there, and more importantly, they were awake.

"Val? Feels like its been -," she started to say, but Valentina's sudden hug stopped her.

"My god I've been so worried!" Valentina sobbed, face buried in her friend's hospital gown.

"Yeah, I have been since this morning. I wanted them to call you as soon as I woke up but they had to do some tests. Heard I've been out for a while," her best friend said smiling at her.

Valentina pulled back trying to stop crying but she couldn't. It had been more than 2 months since Phoebe had been in a coma, and she had been convinced her friend wouldn't wake up. The doctors didn't even know anything until today when she had woken up.

"You going to sit there crying or tell me what I've missed?" Phoebe joked nudging her shoulder.

Her best friend looked almost as if she hadn't just been in a coma. There was so much that had happened in the past few months, but Valentina decided it was best to start small.

"Mateo had woken up a few weeks ago, he's getting therapy. The attack left him shaken up, and he's not as open anymore," Valentina said looking down.

When she had gotten the call about her brother she had rushed over to see him the same way she had with Phoebe. Her brother usually a ball of energy was quieter, and although he smiles the same Valentina knew he'd take a little longer to get over it. Her parents figured therapy was best for him while he was still young. Phoebe reached over putting a hand over Valentina's making her look up.

"Don't worry, you and I can get him back to his old self together. Of course, once they actually let me leave this place," Phoebe rolling her eyes and Valentina nodded. "Anything else happen or have you been sitting around these past few months?"

Valentina laughed at the way her friend moved on so casually, "The semester had ended and we're on summer break. I passed all my classes which is good I suppose. Phoebe I was wondering... will you move in with me?" Valentina blurted out.

"Move in!? You're not living at home anymore?"

"Well I'm not a freshman anymore, and I've always saved up my money from work. Some stuff happened so I got my own place. It's closer to school so not in town, and I was wondering if you'd move in with me. You know make the place less lonely," Valentina asked hesitantly.

Phoebe looked at her expression unreadable then she beamed, "Of course I'll move in with you. This will be perfect!" Her friend said already planning how they'd decorate.

A few months ago after the hunters attacked the wolves her parents had been gravely injured. But despite what they've done Valentina was thankfully they even made it out alive, something she thanked Mason for deeply. They're not bad people; they just did the wrong thing for the right reasons.

They spent some time being tended to by some hunters who could heal them from those injuries than any regular hospital. Valentina wondered why they hadn't helped Mateo the same way but they didn't answer.

The day she announced she was going to move out they also didn't say much to her let alone look at her. Did it hurt? Yes, it did. After always talking to her parents, not talking was odd but Valentina was an adult now. She got an apartment for her a Phoebe to share when she recovered, and she moved from the town closer to school.

"Phoebe I need to tell you something about the attack," Valentina finally said knowing this was the harder part she was worried about sharing.

Phoebe had stopped rambling about decorating seeing Valentina's mood grew quiet. Valentina had told herself she'd tell Phoebe the truth once she woke up, so she did. About werewolves, her family were hunters and everything, except about Mason, that was for herself to know. Phoebe listened attentively and compared to the first time she told her friend about wolves her friend only nodded. While Valentina told her story Phoebe got a faraway look in her eyes.

"So what will you do then?" she has asked.


"You're supposed to be a hunter but don't agree with your parents. While I don't fully understand I do know you, and you won't sit back and let things happen," Phoebe asked glancing at Valentina.

"For now I'm not going to do anything. I agree how they handled things were wrong and people died because of it but I just got you, and my brother back. For now, I want to focus on my relationships, work, and school as mundane as that sounds," Valentina said and Phoebe nodded.

"You're right that that's pretty mundane. Almost boring even," she joked and Valentina punched her shoulder.

"Hey! I woke up from a coma and now you're abusing me?"

"I hope you don't begin playing the coma card from now on," Valentina joked checking her phone and seeing a text message that made her stomach flip.

Putting her phone back in her pocket she talked with Phoebe for a few more hours. They talked about decorating their future apartment, classes, and even if they still had a job. Valentina noticed her friend avoided werewolves but she respected that knowing Phoebe would need time. It felt better knowing she didn't need to keep lying to her friend in the end.

"Alright visiting time is over," a doctor said coming into the room.

Phoebe complained asking if there was some way Valentina could stay but Valentina picked up her bag smiling at Phoebe and hugging her friend tightly in goodbye. She had somewhere she needed to go now anyway. As Valentina walked back to her car to head back to her apartment she smiled.

While things weren't perfect with her parents or any other hunter, and Valentina hadn't been able to find out what happened to cole there was plenty she couldn't complain about. Her brother and best friend were better, she had moved out finally, and she was meeting him.

'I'm keeping my promise'

It was from an unknown number but she knew it was his. Ever since that day Valentina hadn't seen Mason. As soon as he had looked a little better he passed back out and Jaden, Yasmin and some guy named Zane said he needed to go with them. Valentina hadn't wanted to separate with him but they said he needed to deal with the pack where he'll get the most strength so she let him go.

Before he had left Yasmin had turned to her and said Valentina was actually the one that had given him enough strength to start healing again. She was his other half. Valentina didn't know much about wolves or what that meant but she knew what shed do. Things would definitely be different now.

*How was it? Did you guys enjoy the ride? Have anything you wish you saw more of? Or anything you love? Tell me all about it and I'd love to read it.

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