Chapter 30

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Valentina pulled her jacket tighter around her, blowing on her hands to warm them up. It was getting colder these days despite the sun shining overhead. Was this a good idea? Of course, it wasn't, but then why did she come, she berated herself again. She didn't exactly know what to think about everything anymore, but she wanted to focus on the facts.

He wasn't what he first led her to believe but, did that change who he was if he was like them? Mason never once led her to believe she was in danger with him and in fact, he made her feel safe. So why now did she feel nervous?

"Maybe it had something to do with the fact you had to slip out the hospital unnoticed to get here" she whispered to herself.

At first, she didn't see Mason until he stepped right in front of her, causing her to jump. Seeing him didn't bring her fear, or make her want to scream, she had only been startled. Her first thought was to ask how he was doing, but that didn't seem to be appropriate first words either.

"Didn't think you'd come" he commented walking up to her, but not meeting her eyes.

He stood in front of her, brown hair messier than usual, hands shoved in his back pockets and a bandage peeking out from his shirt collar. Valentina resisted the urge to ask about it and focused on responding instead.

"Is that why you texted and didn't call? You didn't think I'd answer?" she asked but his silence was answer enough. "Mason why'd you call me out here?" she asked him, and he finally looked up meeting her eyes.

His eyes seemed to soften the slightest seeing her before they went back to being cold. It stung the slightest and she didn't know why but it made her fold her arms around herself against the chill.

"I'll make this quick. Valentina if I asked you to leave with me, would you?" he asked bluntly, and she looked at him surprised and confused.

"Leave with you to go where?"

"Away, from all of this. From the hunters, from wolves, from Maine" he said quickly, a touch of desperation in his voice.

Taken aback Valentina looked at him thinking he was joking but seeing his expression felt otherwise.

"Mason you can't just think I'd run off with you somewhere. There's my family, my friend, school, and job. I can't throw all of it away for some guy I clearly don't know." She said then bit her lip when she realized the last part might've come off as too harsh.

Her parents and the hunters had plans for the wolves. Then her brother and Phoebe were in the hospital unconscious, she wouldn't abandon them again. She couldn't just up and disappear with Mason. She wasn't that sure of her feelings for him either. Mason nodded his mouth pressed into a hard line.

"I thought as much. What if I ask you to at least stay out of whatever is about to happen? I don't want you to get hurt" he said moving closer to her frowning.

"What are you talking about?" Valentina asked feigning ignorance.

Mason sighed looking away from her again, "I didn't think I'd change your mind, but I had hoped – before I left that I could count on you being alright."

"So, you're really leaving?" she asked quietly. She couldn't help the hint of disappointment she felt at him leaving. Why did she care so much if he left?

"I need to. Unless there's something else I should stay for..." he said trailing off and staring at her.

She knew she was supposed to answer there. Step up and say stay Mason, for me, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She didn't know him enough and he didn't know her to stay and get himself hurt. Her parents were out for his...kind. Maybe it was safer if he left, she didn't want him to end up hurt either.

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