Chapter 18

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Yasmin had to "forcefully" borrow a car to get back to where the pack had moved. But "forcefully" was putting it nicely. She had to knock out some guy and take his keys. Despite that, she still considered it borrowing, because she wrote a note on where to find them when he woke up. It's a good thing she bothered to learn to drive when she was younger and learned to blend into human society.

She looked up and the brightening sky with traces of orange stretching across the pale blue. Yasmin did think she could've shifted to get back to the pack, but they were 30 miles from town in the woods. If she came in wolf form they might've perceived her as a threat. Especially if they knew she'd been courting with traitors.

Closing the door she tied her long hair into a ponytail, and tossed the keys down next to it, then headed into the trees. She saw the markings that she was approaching the territory. Oddly she also noticed the smell was also tainted with something rancid. Further, in the trees, she heard the sounds of footsteps and turned seeing the warrior wolves. They had smelt her as soon as she entered the territory.

Remaining still she allowed the wolves to sniff her then nod giving her allowance to walk in further. Eventually, she began seeing more wolves and, a few of them ran up to her in greeting. They rubbed their bodies on her legs and others nodded in acknowledgment. Few wolves were in human form, and greeted her asking how she's been.

They didn't know of Olivia's secret mission for her. Despite the greetings she received she noticed how much quieter the pack was. Wolves laid around and didn't even glance their way as they walked by. The pack used to be much livelier than this.

"So, I hear Yasmin has returned to the pack" a male voice boomed through the woods.

Yasmin looked up frowning as he approached her. His yellow eyes squinted in a glare at her coupled with a frown.

"Don't look so happy to see me, Zane," she said quipped.

"You know that's not the case," he said eyeing her.

"Of course, it's not, where's Olivia?" she asked the beta.

"By the river, she stays there most of the time now," he said turning in the direction of the river eyes saddened.

Yasmin stopped their playful angry act and embraced him in a tight hug that he returned. Being around the pack made her soft, and seeing them after being away reminded her were still mourning Adam. Even the pups weren't chattering and playing with each other. Other wolves seemed to continue going through the motions.

"We missed you, Yasmin, we couldn't afford to lose another wolf," he said hugging her back and meeting her grey eyes.

Yasmin pushed his tawny hair out of his face stepping from his arms. She wasn't planning on staying but she didn't tell him that.

"The rogues?"

"It's getting worse. Word is spreading we're without an alpha and Olivia is trying to keep us together but there's only so much you can do when you've recently lost your mate" he sighed.

Yasmin understood him knowing how she'd feel if she ever lost Mason. Even if he didn't reciprocate feelings for her, she knew she loved him with everything. Enough to turn down even Zane when he offered to become her mate.

"We're having a funeral later for Mariah, Nathan, and Toby. I'm hoping you'll join" he said, and Yasmin started.

Mariah and Toby were pups when she last left, and Nathan was one of their elders. Were the rogues bad enough to attack their old and young? She nodded at his invite then said she'd go and find Olivia. The river wasn't far from where the pack gathered and slept. They used it to bathe and play in on hot days, but Yasmin was sure Olivia was doing neither. As she approached she saw Olivia's form sitting and staring out at the water. She sat down next to Olivia who didn't acknowledge her at first, but eventually did as if just seeing her.

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