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= Chapter 8 =

Ryker’s POV

The night goes amazingly. We watch scary movies, dance around and explore the area around Casper’s house, like strange little misfits. It’s so cool I’ve never met people this weird before, but I’ve had more fun than I ever have had before. Though the only person I recognise from school is Chelsea… Weird.

Past one in the morning everyone has dozed off except for Casper and I. We sit on the couch together watching some random children’s animation movie together.

Casper’s POV

I shift around a little next to Ryker, and giggle occasionally at the silly characters on screen.  He plays with his fingers for a bit and I catch myself wishing that he was playing with my hands.

I loved watching his face tonight, especially when we went to explore the block and park near us. He looked so excited as he climbed up walls and the giant playground set made more for teenagers than kids, and when he helped me up and comforted me, because I was afraid of heights. And how we all raced down the street screaming out our favourite songs as loud as we possibly could and then how we all lay down on the grass in the park and watched the stars and chatted about anything and everything. Slowly, with these comforting new memories, I drift off.

Ryker’s POV

I watch him as his head gently leans against my shoulder and his eyes stutter and finally shut. He looks so peaceful, his black hair brushes his cheeks, the bruises are only light shadows now and I begin to wonder again why he was being beaten up.

I gently brush a fingertip against one of them, he stirs ever so slightly but remains asleep.


I hear a whisper.


"I need to talk to you.”

It’s Brad. He gets up off one of the mattresses on the floor and beckons me to follow him to the kitchen. I move slowly until I can rest Casper’s head against one of the couch pillows and dutifully follow Brad.

“Hey what’s up?”

“Be careful with Casper.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He’s just been through a hell of a lot; he’s experienced a lot of pain. He’s going to try his hardest to push you away, especially at school. We’ve all experienced the same from him, he rarely lets anyone into his life without a fight and by far the person who’s struggled the most with this is Chelsea. Not because she’s closer to Casp, though she is, but because everything that he goes through at school now she does to. He doesn’t want people to share in his hurt but he needs friends. He needs people more than he will ever admit. We’d all jump if he needed us but we aren’t always around. I guess I’m just asking that you be patient with him and stick around if you can because behind that shy face is a really brilliant person.”

“Um,” he walks back into the lounge without another word.


I head back as well, gently shifting Casper over so I have some space. He murmurs and starts to speak a little in his sleep.

“Mum? Mum?! Please no… Please no!”

I’m about to wake him but he shifts and is sound asleep once again.

I wonder over his words as I fall asleep.

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