Burns and Scars

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= Chapter 10 =

Ryker’s POV

Chelsea lets go and stands to talk to me.

“He needs someone right now, he needs you.”

“Me but… I… I.”

"Ry?” Casper calls from the floor, wiping tears from his eyes with an oversized hoodie, why does he have so many of these?

He looks at me in confusion, but the sadness is still etched in lines on his face. I sit on the floor next to him and pull him as close to me as he could possibly get, entrapping the warmth of our bodies together as he begins to cry again.

“Ry, your grade has the rest of the day as free lessons right?”

“Yeah, our teacher’s not here.”

She nods, “I have to get to class,” she bends closer to me and whispers, “Take care of him.”

And I whisper back a promise that I will… As long as I still have the ability to.

Casper’s POV

She closes the door gently and Ryker and I are alone. The only thing I hear is the sound of my desperate sobs and my ragged breathing, but all I can feel and smell is him.  My crying starts to calm down and I notice that he has been rubbing my back in little circles.

"You’re okay Caspy, you’re going to be okay,” he whispers and I realise with a start that his words contain genuine worry, concern and… Love?

“Sh… Hush,” he draws me a little closer, not that we can get much closer, and ever so gently kisses my forehead.

I look up at him and he looks down at me with a question in his eyes, I cuddle closer to him in reply.

“If you want to talk about it… I think I’ll understand more than you think.”

“What do you…?”

He silences me by pulling the leather bands with band names and various talismans, that must be from his parents, up.

His wrists, until at least a quarter way up his arms, are covered in criss-crossed thick and thin white scars.

“See,” he whispers a tremble in his voice, “you’re the first person to see this other than my family and people at my old school… They all made fun of me, called me an “attention seeker” and far worse. I left and my parents made me go to therapy. I’m on anti-depressants now; it’s been a lot better… I just… It’s still hard. Just know that you’re not the only one who feels pain… who feels hurt. I understand.”

I trace the lines on his skin and eventually pull up my own hoodie, blisters from burns run all over. He twists my arm around, examining, and gently pulls me closer again.

“There’s something else Ry…”


Eep cliffhanger. Sorry...

Not really :D

Hope you enjoy,


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