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The elevator had finally stopped. They had no idea where the hell they were going. At least they knew he was somewhere inside the building.

They saw a people running and screaming as they both walked out of the elevator. Probably those disgusting people again.

Dammit not again.

Only this time, they weren't fans.

"Sir, are you with the police?!" An old man says. He looked about 60 years old.

"No I'm not. What is happening?" Yoongi asks. Jimin seemed pretty frightened by all the yelling and movement.

"Is Mr. Lee still breathing?" A woman asks. She had long, thin hair. All of her teeth were rotten. She wore a mini shirt with a torn up crop top.  She looked like a prostitute.

They were on the right floor.

"Yah excuse me -"


Yoongi stared at the young woman who slapped him. "What the fuck is your problem bitch?"

Yoongi was heated and irritated. He'd just gotten hit by a prostitute. Not that he was already upset from his fans earlier, now people are actually getting violent.

"You're my problem. If you're not giving me any money then don't fucking touch me, don't fucking talk me, and don't fucking look at me. Or I will stab you next time." The prostitute says with a nasty smirk.

Yoongi wanted to throw her out a damn window. He wanted to swear at her, but his boyfriend got in the way of that.

"I'm sorry miss, but I'm his manager. Basically you just threatened to stab him if he looked at you. That's not legal. What gives you the right to -"


Jimin bit his lip as he was about to slap the woman back, but Yoongi pulled him away.

"Fuck her. C'mon I think something happened in that apartment right over there." Yoongi says as he grabs Jimin by his mini hand.

"Hey! You guys can't go inside there." An officer says. He had a beard. He was a little overweight. I guess you can say he looked a little like Santa Claus.

What the fuck is going on?

"Our friend is in there." Yoongi explains. "His cab driver told us he was in this apartment building."

"I see, well he was fatally shot." The police officer states. "Neighbors say they heard 2 gunshots. Only one person walked out of there and that was a young lady named Lisa."

"Isn't this Lee Joon's apartment?" Yoongi asks emotionally. He would've killed anyone who'd harmed Taehyung.

"Yes sir. Someone like you shouldn't be here right now. It's a crime scene." He says as he lures them back into the elevator. He was strong enough to push both of them back into the elevator.

The officer knew who Min Yoongi was. He wasn't really a big fan. Especially to rap music.

"Wait! Was there a Kim Taehyung in there?" Jimin shouts. He was in disbelief. He didn't want to believe that Taehyung had really gotten shot.

The police officer laughs as if something was funny. It made Jimin cringe a little. "You mean the model? No, no one else is in there. Lisa told us that it was only her and Mr.Lee."

"Thank you." Yoongi says as the elevator door closed. He got even more worried about his friend. They'd just became friends again and he didn't want to literally lose him.


-ding dong-

Jungkook slumped over his lonely cold bed and lured toward his front door.

He didn't have any maids, butlers, or chauffeurs that were in his house.

All because of Lee Joon.

Jungkook had them before he started dating Mr. Lee Joon. He made Jungkook fire all of them for personal reasons.


"They'd only get in the way of our relationship. Fire all of them, today!" Lee Joon says as his voice grew deeper.

"They've been with me since since I bought this mansion. I can't just fire the-" Jungkook was rudely interrupted as his boyfriend threw an iron at him.

Jungkook could feel blood rushing from his nose. He knew not to talk back to his boyfriend, or there would be serious consequences.

-flashback ends-

Jungkook opened his door slowly, not knowing who it was. He wasn't giving a fuck anyway, he just wanted to go back to bed.

Taehyung quickly stared up at Jungkook's sleepy eyes. He thought he was beautiful. Even after waking up from a long nap he'd always look so perfect.

He was Taehyung's angel.

"Aish baby I love you too~" Taehyung said in his most sweetest voice as he grabbed Jungkook's face and pulled him in for a kiss.

A/N: I (j)hope you're enjoying this as much as I do. I purple all of my little star readers💜

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