Chapter 18- The Showstopper

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The Showstopper
Arieon's POV

A week passed by smoothly, my marriage certificate was delivered

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A week passed by smoothly, my marriage certificate was delivered. Making me Arieon Anderson-Rivera. I didn't like it, it didn't have the melodious ring my birth name did, the only reason I kept the Anderson was because it was really the only thing I got to keep from my parents other than the locket. No one would carry on our lineage and it didn't rest easy with me.

Silviano and I avoided speaking to each other, Arline and I however made it our routine that we would get up and make ourselves a lovely breakfast and leave the boys to fend for themselves, she said they were old enough and that she came on vacation.

While we ate, we would usually have a pleasant conversation and I enjoyed her company very much, she sort of reminded me of my own mother. She also reminded me of myself, sort of out of place in the world she was in. A ray of sunshine in the dark world of the mafia to her boys as I was to mine.

I  just finished having a nice talk with Arline.
It was extremely refreshing having another female in the house. Especially her, to kick off this summer, as she lifted everyone's spirits.

She told me more about the ball she was having tonight, well that the family was having. She insisted on having me treated to a stylist and a makeup artist but I told her that here was no need, I have more than a few new dresses and I could do makeup for both of us so there was no need to hire anyone.

I smiled at the thought of how sweet she was as I walked up the stairs.

I hadn't realize that someone was coming down until they were dead ahead of me and pushed me aside with their shoulder.

I stumbled back down a few steps then caught my footing and grabbed the rail.

It was Silviano.

"You." I hissed.

"Io?" He said as he stopped walking down the stairs abruptly and turned around to me, waiting for me to continue. (I.)

Does this midget of a man need fucking glasses to see that the stairs aren't  wide enough for his ego but quite big enough for him.

I huffed as I turned and continued my ascent.

I took a shower then actually took time to curl my hair. I didn't brush out the curls but rather sprayed it stiff with hairspray, I'd brush it out just before going downstairs.

There was a knock on the door and I told the person to come it. It was Arline.

"I'm here for my makeup appointment." She smiled and waltzed in while holding an emerald green dress in her hand.

She quickly laid it on the bed and folded it up, "Nope, I just brought it so you can see the color." She sang.

I giggled and nodded to her and motioned her towards my closet where she gave me her powder and foundation.

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