Chapter 50- Brotherly Betrayal

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Hey Guys! I'm so sorry, it has been quite a few months, writing was supposed to resume in May and I started this month because in May I ended my relationship and honestly I didn't see it coming, so I took it rough. I'm back though and I have all the time in the world to rediscover and reclaim my passion for writing and express my emotions through those of my characters. Thank you all for being so patient with me.

In terms of the book, I believe this is the last chapter! We head on to Book 2, and I won't announce the title yet, but the first couple chapters should be up this by the end of this summer!
We will follow Arieon towards revenge and dive deeper into her relationship with Luca. This has been such a long journey and I've been through so much, and writing has always helped me through it. I'm glad you guys like it too! Thank you all, new readers, old. Anyone been here since the start?

Brotherly Betrayal
Arieon's POV

Brotherly Betrayal Arieon's POV

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"I'm ready." I whispered before taking two swigs of the bottle of whiskey Nathan brought to the room and shifting my position on the bed.

I wasn't sure how long I slept for after being brought back here or even long how it took for me to get back here, but I woke up and Fade came shortly after with files and alcohol. He shifted in his spot, standing at the side of the bed before he started.

"Joshua's bike crashed on Santa Fe Avenue, South Gate." He eyed me and I took another swig.

He was on his way to meet everyone at the street races that night. It was almost one of the best nights of my life. I remember riding with my old friend Marcus for one of the races, feeling absolute bliss, while we sped through the streets.

I miss the adrenaline rushes and the euphoria of winning.

Later in the night I had taken my friend Nick's car and I remember taking a corner at high speed and the police scanner showed a couple red blocks. There were cops near. It was nothing new.

I had accelerated and my phone rung through the car's speakers. I thought Logan was just calling to tell me that the route was changed to avoid the police. I was about to answer and it ended and I didn't think anything of it in the moment, but after it all happened and I had time to process everything, I was grateful to him for waiting until I had finished the race. God knows what I would've done if I had found that out while I was clocking over 200.

I can't really remember exactly what I felt when I found out, but I came out of that car so exhilarated and through the crowd, came Argent. She had thrown her arms around my neck and pulled me in to tell me Josh was hit.

The first thought that came into my head was that it wasn't true, but her tears confirmed it and I felt as though I couldn't breathe.

She had refused to tell me where, but I demanded to know, all I wanted to do was get to him. I had gotten back into Nick's car and I left. It was about twenty minutes away and I made it in under ten.

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