Chapter 44- Spilled Alcohol

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Spilled Alcohol
Arieon's POV

When I'd gotten back to California, I saw Lorenzo as soon as I got of the plane

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When I'd gotten back to California, I saw Lorenzo as soon as I got of the plane. He had kissed me, and spun me around about a couple hundred times. I swear with each kiss and every spin, I felt worse, would was I to tell him about everything. I was keeping all my activities from him.

I was too stressed out to be around any of those guys. So I had told them that I needed to spend time with my family, emphasizing that I was almost killed in Russia, and so I desperately needed to see my brothers. It worked, and I'd been staying at the Dellucci household for about a week now.

When I'd first got here, Dominic, of course, wondered what was wrong. I couldn't tell Dom that I'd practically been flirting with my husband while I was dating his cousin. Right? Right. It'd be absolutely ludicrous. I just told him I missed him and that I'd almost died in Russia. So he wasn't too keen on letting me go back to Luca's. 

I'd been at my brother's for about a week and I was finally ready to talk to Mia about what happened. So I pulled her to my room when she excused herself from the family gathering in the living room to put Marie down for bed.

"Look whose finally ready to talk." She scoffed, as she climbed into bed with a droopy eyed Marie on her hip. I climbed on the other side and sat with my legs crossed.

"Climb in sweetie." She put the little girl on the bed. Marie got snuggled under the sheets before she turned to me and rested her head on my lap.

"So?" Mia sassed me. She was angry and understandably so, I was keeping a lot of things from her, and worse off she knew.

I sighed heavily, as I looked down to the five year old on my bed. I rubbed her head, and combed through her scalp gently with my nails. Oh what it was like to be five and care free. Not having to worry about anything. I wish I could go back to that.

"Uhm." I exhaled before looking at Mia. "So. You know about the shootout." I started.


"So, after that happened, Luca got stitches. He forced me to get a checkup." I rolled my eyes. "Then we were shown to our room." I continued.

"One room?" Mia questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. I told her about everything, every thought, and every thing that happened. From thinking about my hands trailing up Luca's chest and neck, when he had told me I had a choice to sleep either in the bathtub or the bed. I told her about the date and the dolls, and even the fucking Starbucks cups.

I even went back and finally told her about him killing one of his men when I had snuck off to his hideout half drunk, the night before the wedding. I told her everything.

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