{ FIVE }

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CHAPTER 5 | Them

(^ Pics of Mark's arrogant minions: Herman, Skylar, Scarlet and Rupert)

We sat there for the next 10 minutes, writing down some instructions that Ms. Wright gave us. She told us we were going to make a poster in which we explained a chemistry topic. She gave a different one to each team. Ours was chemical reactions and how they occur.

The bell rang and we all packed our things inside our backpacks.
I stood up and looked at Jaida.

"Um, Jaida."

"Yes, Zack?"

"I was wondering... if maybe you'd like to go lunch with me and some friends."

She smiled. "Yeah, that would be nice, thanks Zack. But first I'm going to talk to Ms. Wright about something real quick, ok?"

"Ok. I'll wait for you outside the classroom."


Before leaving though, I took one last glance at Mark. Again, our eyes met for a second. And yet again, he was glaring at me.

I quickly turned to leave and walked out the classroom, standing at the side of the door to wait for Jaida.

Just then, I heard a group of distinctive laughs and voices. I didn't need to turn and see who it was, because I already knew.
As expected, Mark's minions were walking in my direction, and they shut their mouths as soon as they noticed me.

I turned to look at a bunch of confused and surprised faces looking directly at me.

"Why is the fag here?" That was Herman's voice.

I looked down and stayed silent.

"Um, hey. Just in case you didn't know, this is my boyfriend's classroom. What are you even doing here?" Scarlet spoke with her high pitched and irritating voice.

"I know, and just in case you didn't know, this is my classroom too." I replied.

She gasped. "What?!"

"Don't tell me you're in the same class with Mark." Rupert said.

"Yes, I am." I simply said.

"Goddammit, dwarf. Stop following him everywhere, will you?" He said kinda mad.

"I'm not following him. I was assigned this classroom and he happened to be here, that's all. And I'm waiting for a friend."

Scarlet laughed. "As if you had friends."

I crossed my arms as I heard them laugh. God, I hate them so much.

"I bet he asked for a change of classroom so he could be with the love of his life." Herman said and they awed.

"Keep dreaming, little boy. You will never have my boyfriend by any means. Mark is not a fag. Is that clear?"

I was growing angrier with every insult. I couldn't be silent anymore.

"First of all, how could I ask for a change of classroom just to be with him? How was I even supposed to know he was going to be here? And second, why would I want to have him?!"

"Because you like him, duh." Rupert interrupted me.

"...I don't like him!" I tried hard not to stutter and not to blush. But I couldn't help it. I could feel my face heating after a few seconds.

"Don't lie, we know you like him." Herman spoke. "We can see it in your eyes. The way you look at him, the way you turn red. You're secretly wishing he could fuck you all night long, and fill your mouth with his disgusting seed, and you swallow it all like the whore and fag you are."

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