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CHAPTER 47 | Unforgettable

OMG I've been waiting so long to write this moment and it's finally here!
If you've made it to this point of the story and if you love Zack and Mark as much as I do, please leave a tiny vote for this chapter. I really appreciate every single vote and comment from my few fellow readers out there :)
Enjoy ♥️

"Are you sure that he really meant it?" My aunt asked me with a frown, placing her cup of tea on the table after taking a sip.

After I explained her everything that happened yesterday between Mark and me, she was still a little uncertain about Mark's attitude. Since the day she came home and saw me all beaten up, she was about to go to the police station and report Mark for once. That day, when I told her and my friends my plan, she said that it was a pathetic idea and that it wouldn't lead anywhere. She accepted to help me after some days, but she was still sick worried about me and hated Mark to death. She warned me, though, that if Mark ever tried to do another of his bullshit again, she would personally make sure that he stayed behind the bars of the prison for forever.

"Yes, he did. I already told you. You'll see that after we talk again today, he will have changed completely and won't do the same mistakes anymore." I told her, tapping my fingers on the table.

"So you'll bring him home again?" She asked me and I nodded. She sighed. "I just don't want him to hurt you again."

"He won't, trust me."

My aunt remained silent for a moment, taking another sip of her tea. "You know, last time I saw him was when he got to the house and asked me about where your grave was or something like that. Although he asked for you, I still felt really mad towards him. When I told him to leave, I almost regretted my decision, but since you were so positive about this whole thing of making him believe that you had... Died, I just let him go."

"See? He asked for where my supposed grave was. He really cared." I stated.

"Yeah, I think you have a point... What I noticed about him was that he wasn't ugly at all. You really do have nice likings." She said, the worry on her voice gone as she nudged my arn with her elbow. "Except for the fact that your likings involve confusing and aggressive boys who say to be straight, and then discharge their anger on other people, but whatever. I didn't know that you were into big boys like him."

"Heh... Now you know it." I said, looking down at the floor while I blushed.

"Do you really like him?" She asked after a moment of silence. I simply nodded. "And do you think he likes you back?"

"Well... Yes. He confessed yesterday that he liked me since the first day he saw me. And also that he liked it when he... You know, kissed me. So yes, I know he does like me back."

"Alright. Since you're so certain, then I hope everything turns out like you expect it." She said, standing up from her table and taking her now empty cup to the kitchen. "I have to go now. If anything happens, please call me immediately and I will have no mercy for him this time."

"Don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen. But yes, I will call you if that's the case." I said, standing up too.

She grabbed her bag and smiled at me, before walking over to take my head on her hands and place a kiss on my forehead. "You're a very strong person. Both physically and mentally. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Thank you, aunt." I replied, smiling back at her. She let go of me and waved a last time before walking out of the door.

She left earlier than I had expected. Her car engine started and she drove away from my house at 4:54 PM. And I told Mark to come and see me until six. I don't think I can wait that long.

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