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CHAPTER 48 | Thankful

I don't think there's a more wonderful feeling in this world than waking up next to the person that you have liked and dreamed about for so long. The instant I opened my eyes after the happiest night of my life, the beautiful face of my sleeping God was right in front of me. His eyes closed as he slept peacefully, and his mouth slightly parted as he snored quietly. The white sheets were the only things covering our naked bodies and our fingers were still laced together, although less tightly than yesterday, but still together.

Since the moment I woke up, everything I did was to stare longingly into his sleeping face as I drew circles with my thumb over his hand. With my free hand, I caressed the small beard on his cheek, feeling how his quiet and warm breathing hit my wrist, and looking at the way his broad chest rose and fell quietly with every breath. I'll never get over how beautiful he is.

Seeing him there filled me with an immeasurable happiness and joy that I had never felt before. He was like the source of my contentment and my reason to keep existing in this world. It had even been better than that time with Wyatt. And yet it still felt so unbelievable. I mean, the simple fact of him having an interest in me, being able to kiss him, having him here with me after a passionate night... I considered it all as something impossible, only a fantasy of my mind. I can't believe that that fantasy and those endless dreams that I had of him had finally come true, even though we had to go through a lot of hard times. What mattered was that we had each other now.

As much as I'd love to stay here at his side and take in his stunning beauty, I knew that he would have to leave by the time he woke up. But I wasn't going to let him go without at least having something in his stomach, and after we could spend a bit more time together. So, very carefully, I had to unlace our fingers and sit up on the bed, being careful not to wake him up. I removed the sheets from my legs and stood up from the bed, pain shooting at my lower back as I did so. I winced a bit, rubbing a hand over the spot, but then I smiled at knowing that this pain had been because of the man that was long asleep on my bed.

I went to pick up my boxers and put them on. Then I picked up my shirt and put it on too. After that, I glanced at the sleeping beauty on my bed and walked over to him, bending down to place a soft kiss on his forehead. And like that, I turned around and walked out of my room, leaving the door just ajar. I walked down the stairs in only my boxers and my shirt, then I headed towards the kitchen to cook Mark's favorite breakfast: pancakes with blueberries and orange jam. Yeah, I still haven't forgotten it since Wyatt told me about it.

Fortunately I already had the blueberries, but since previous days I had to ask my aunt to buy the orange jam. She asked me that why I wanted orange jam, and I told her to don't ask and just buy it. She didn't argue and bought it the next day. Now that I finally had all the ingredients, and most importantly, that my Marky was here to eat them, I got myself to work and cook the pancakes like my aunt had taught me.

Every day my aunt continued giving me cooking lessons. She taught me to cook different meals and now I was able to prepare almost everything like she does. At least I'm not afraid anymore of the stove, or the sharp knives. I turned on the stove and walked over to the cupboards to take out the flour, the sugar, the milk and other necessary ingredients. I grabbed a bowl and mixed the ingredients. When the batter was ready, I proceeded to pour it onto the frying pan.

Soon the sweet smell of pancakes filled the air, making my stomach growl. By the time the pancakes were brown from both sides, I grabbed them with the spatula and piled them up onto a plate, looking so spongy and round. I managed to make nine of them, an uneven number. Hmm... Mark looks like he can devour a lot of food with that giant and delicious body of him, so maybe he will have to eat five and I will eat four.

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