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CHAPTER 56 | Overthinking

From now on it will be like this: normal chapter, smutty chapter, normal chapter and so on. This is some kind of reward for being patient with me, my slow updates and a whole 45 chapters without anything intimate happening between the main couple, so I think this makes up for it. If you're uncontrollably with some smut scenes, you can skip them. Anyway, enjoy ♥️


Zack wasn't lying when he told me that students in that schedule were more accepting than the morning ones. I don't know why, or how is it that those teachers educate them, but whatever it is, I'm glad that everyone is accepting of our relationship. I must say that I still wanted some days acting normal around him, like friends, only stealing some signs of affection here and there while no one watched, just in the meantime that I got used to the people there. But no, Zack had to out me completely the very first day. Although I'm not mad at him for that. It turned out better than I expected.

Now we're free to show our affection no matter where, at least at school. I can hold hands with him, I can smile at him and touch him more without fearing that others might see it weird, and we can even kiss whenever we want. I still feel a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed when we do that, though, because some people, especially girls, stare at us with devilish smirks, as if they enjoy watching us kissing. That's why I prefer kissing him in more private places. But at least they just stare. It's better than getting insulted, right?

I'm even starting to see the whole incident at school with the morning students and my family as something positive, something that had to happen. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have gotten this perfect opportunity to be around my boyfriend at every second of my life, not only at school, but also in his own house, which he told me to call our home.

I still get butterflies in my stomach at the thought that we're now living together. I just can't believe it. I still feel like I'm somehow abusing of his hospitality, that I'm some kind of intruder, that's why sometimes I have the need to ask him for permission to use his bathroom, for example, or to do anything in his house. But that doesn't seem to bother him at all. He just tells me that I should do anything like I'd normally do at my place, but it stills seems a little inappropriate for me. That's why now that he was more than gentle with me to share his house with me, I'm going to help him with anything he needs, so that he doesn't feel like he has to maintain me all the time. From now on this will be my home too and I'll do my best to keep it as wonderful as it looks, even if it means having to work so we can maintain the both of us. We don't have our moms and dads to do everything for us anymore. We're together and we will have to look for each other now.

That night, after Zack literally outed me by devouring my lips, biting my neck and making me a blushing mess at the view of many students at school, we were very happy for the fact that they had accepted us. We were another official couple just like the many diverse ones of that class period. Even if I had heard any hurtful words, Zack taught me to learn to ignore them and don't give those bastards the satisfaction of seeing me hurt, and I've been really starting to put into practice his advice.

The point is that, that night we were so happy that our relationship was official and we wouldn't have to hide it for the fear of being rejected. So happy that as soon as we got home, we decided to celebrate it by doing some lovey-dovey stuff. We kissed, took off our clothes, laid down on his king-sized bed which was now covered in the scent of the both of us, and then you can already imagine what happened next.

But if you can't imagine, let me make a quick summary.

Zack was lying on his side, his back to me and I had my chest pressed against it, so I was spooning him. I rubbed my feet and my legs over his own, the sounds of his low moans that entered through my ears and traveled down to my throbbing member as two of my fingers scissored his entrance, along with the notes of a romantic melody playing in the background. It was the first time we tried this: playing some romantic song while we did it. It was actually Zack's idea, and I liked it. I couldn't deny that it made the moment more magnificent and special. The only missing thing was the rows of candles surrounding us and lots of rose petals scattered around the bed. But we didn't have time to get all of that. All we wanted to do was to submerge into the sea of pleasures and delightful sensations that we created when our bodies were close together, without any clothing covering them, and while we showed our love and care for each other in the most intimate and passionate of ways.

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