17. The Grits

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Year of the Lilies
Torrid Season
Unknown Place


I WAKE UP ON THE MAT I WAS GIVEN to sleep on the previous night. My arm aches and throbs with dull pain, reminding me of why and how I got here. I was bought by a goldsmith, he's a short wiry man. He was rather curt with me but he managed to ask his wife to spared me a bowl of onion gruel. I ate the awfully bland food and ran outside to throw up. His wife - a tall, overweight woman followed me outside with fear that I might run away but she covered her nose with her hand and went back inside the hut.

Their huts are built differently from ours at Kintil. Theirs is built from stone or sunbaked bricks while ours were molded from mud.

Last night, I went to sleep with an empty stomach and a restless mind. They had given me a change of clothes; an oversized wool dress that seems like it's the exact fit for the overweight woman.

I lay awake but weak on the mat when a hard boot kicks my side making me wince and sit up immediately. My eyes narrow at the hideous face of the goldsmith. He makes looking at his face move unbearable by frowning.

"It istime to wake up, slave," he sneers the last word like it's bitter and gives me a look that suggests disdain.

I narrow my eyes at the man, I want to get out of here as soon as possible. How will I do it? Maybe another earthquake will do the trick, or a storm so heavy it rips the small house apart. I play with the idea of a house-crumbling storm as I jump to my feet, making him see the difference in our heights.

His glare doesn't waiver though. "You slept the whole morning away! If you do it again I'll give you a good beating." With that, he storms out.

I sigh. I stink, I'm starving and I'm dying to make a run for it. I suck in a huge gulp of air, before I can exhale, the bulky woman fills the doorway.

"What are you doing standing there?" She shrieks like a banshee, "you have tons of work to do!" She walks to me and starts listing out my chores,"you have to feed the chickens, wash the dishes, bathe Mye, and sweep the house. Now get to it! The grits for the chickens are in the sack behind the kitchen door."

I stare at this woman unblinkingly, watching every move of her plump lips.

"What's wrong?!" She barks out.

"Mistress," I can't believe I'm addressing her as that," I'm starving."

Her eyes widen like I had sprouted a tail. She sucks in air making her enormous form look like it's going to blow then she lets it out. "You were given food yesterday."

I nod. "But I'm still hungry."

"You'll earn your meal by doing all I've asked you to. Now go and get the grits and feed the chickens!"

I follow her short stubby finger and walk into a small spicy smelling room which contains stoves and pots and bags of foodstuffs and jars of spices and herbs. Behind the door is a small drawstring bag which I guess holds the grits.

Her eyes follow me as I walk out of the hut. Outside, I take a deep breath and release it. My eyes takes in my surroundings, the hut is in the middle of various other stone huts and the neighbourhood is a very rowdy one. Escape would have to call for my powers.

I hear a cough from the window I didn't know existed behind me. The fat woman gives me a death squint,"the chicken coop is right behind the hut. And don't get any crazy ideas, there are eyes watching you."

I don't know why her threat unnerves me but it does. I trot to the back of the hut and a human-sized coop stands proudly. I scrutinize it, it is made of hard wood and netting to allow ventilation. It is very sturdy.

Inside the birds cluck and crow, I smile at this. They don't have a care in the world. I'm almost jealous.

The stench of their droppings don't faze me as I step in and distribute the grits into their troughs. My mind wonders away against my will.


Where had she been taken to?

What if I never get to see her again?

I cannot bear the thought of spending the rest of my life without my sister.

I know I can not afford to lose her.

I'm going to find her.

I must find her.

Feeding the birds is not as hard as I expected. Back at home, we let our livestock roam free and search for their own food.

I head back to the hut and find my overweight mistress sitting on a tall stool with a smug look on her face. She holds a mirror, staring at her face as she applies a coat of henna to her lips.

She wears a beautiful satin gown in a pale pink hue and a matching veil on her head. Her feet are beautifully tattooed with henna and are cladded in leather sandals.

"Mistress," I say trying to keep my voice low," I'm done with feeding the birds."

She jerks like I scared her and stares at me with confusion etched in her features like she has forgotten me. Then she hisses and goes back to painting her lips.

"What should I do next, mistress?" I ask. My stomach growls loudly and she stares at me with narrowed eyes.

"Are you dumb? I counted all the chores you have to do," she snaps.

  Feed the chickens, wash the dishes...

A small voice makes me twirl to the door that leads to the bedrooms. A small girl no older than five stands there with big soulful eyes. "Mother?"

My heart sinks when I see her. She reminds me of Mavli when she was just as small. I blink my eyes to hold back the tears and make a beeline for the kitchen.

"Oh, Mye my darling..." The fat mistress coos as she scoops the child in her arms.

I'm sure you'll agree that Alysia has it better than Mavli. Hold on tight, there are more chapters in Alysia's POV. Don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts. If you have any questions or corrections I'd like to hear them. Cheers.

Your author, Lixxie.

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