19. The Bath

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Year of the Lilies
Torrid Season
The Hut


MY HEART WARMS UP TO MYE almost immediately. Maybe it is because she looks like my sister, maybe it's because she's sweet and innocent. I don't know the reason why but I grow fond of her almost immediately. Like I've been placed under a spell. Mye is the kind of child that will make you want to protect her, that will make you go out of your way to do anything for her. That's the same effect Mavli had on me the first day I laid eyes on her; she made me go out of my way to protect her, she made me want to give her everything. I have a vivid memory of the time I tried to catch a peacock for her. I wanted to give her that peacock and everything other thing in the world. But the peacock escaped, and we had a good laugh about it. I had promised I'd give her something else. I'd give her her freedom. I'll fulfill my promise to her.

I watch Mye eat up her apple and banana cocktail religiously. When she eats the last piece of fruit, she drops the fork into the bowl and jumps to her feet. "Thank you, mother," she says to her mother, then she turns to me and says, "thank you, Aunt."

And she runs to me and wraps her arms around my waist, hugging me. I feel the familiar sensation of stinging behind my eyes. "You are welcome, Mye. I hope you enjoyed it."

"Yes, I did," she chips happily. The boiling water starts to trumpet from the kitchen, mistress turns to me with a annoyance in her eyes.

"The water is boiling now, go and turn it into the bathtub so you'll bathe Mye."

Mye gives me a puzzled look, maybe wondering why a strange girl appeared out of nowhere into their home is now boiling water for her baths.

"Mother bathes me," she says.

"I know," I reply gently as I try to release her grip on my waist," I'll bathe you from now on."

The confusion in her eyes only deepens but I walk past her and into the kitchen trying to evade her mother's glares. I pick up the hot kettle and wince at its heat. I see the hand towel on the counter and use it as protection for my hand from the heat.

The overweight woman shows me the bathroom which is as wide as my hand span. I wonder how she fits in the narrow room let alone in the bathtub. The tub is a huge wooden basin. Back at home, we bath in streams and rivers and I prefer it to a tub. Bathing in the cold waters of the river is much more fun and we get to swim and play about in the water as much as we want, the water is always flowing so we don't soak in our own dirt like the bathtub.

I tilt the spout of the kettle and watch the steam evaporate in misty swirls as the scorching water falls into the wooden tub.
I'm thankful there's a drum of water in the bathroom just like in the kitchen and I make the water warm by adding the cold water from the drum.

Mistress dips two fingers into the water, "perfect. Now, go undress her. Her towel is the white one."

I glance at the white fluffy towel hanging from a rope that is nailed from one end of the bathroom to the other. It's between two brown towels. "Yes, mistress."

She turns and leaves and I follow her out. Mye is sitted on the mat and talking to a rag doll. I stand and watch her cuddle the doll and talk to it, she looks so adorable as she plays completely oblivious to the fact that she's being watched.

"Mye," I make my voice to be as sweet and calm as possible.

Her face lights up as she sees me and a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. "Aunt!"

I can't help smiling back, when I do escape and reclaim my freedom, I'll miss the innocent and sweet Mye.

"Don't call me Aunt, Mye," I tell her.

She frowns, her small brows furrow," then what should I call you? Should I call you mother?"

Her question is the most funny thing I've heard in days. I throw my head in reckless abandon and laugh, my shoulders and body shakes in rhythm of my laughter. But laughing has only made Mye more confused. I'm thankful her mother hasn't come to check up on us.

"Of course not. You only have one mother." I tug at her cheek playfully as I say this. "You should call me by my name."

"What is your name, Aunt?" She stands to her feet, rag doll forgotten and stares at me like I'm the most interesting thing in the whole wide world.

"It's nothing fancy like yours,"I say. "My name is Alysia."

Mye gasps,"it is very pretty. I've never heard of such a name." She's very easy to please, I almost laugh again but stifle it to a chuckle.

"Let's go and bath now, okay?" She nods and let's me take her hand.

* * *

Mye is very trusting and let's me take off her velvety dress. I spend a few moments rubbing the dress against my cheek, I've never felt fabric as smooth as it.

She giggles as she watches me do so. I put the dress in a wicker basket at the corner of the room for laundry.

I scoop her small form and put her gently into the warm water. She wiggles her little toes in the water while I start scrubbing her with washcloth and lavender-scented soap.

"Are you mother's sister?" Mye suddenly asks.

I shake my head. "I'm afraid I'm not. Why do you ask?"

"You look a lot like her," she says with a sweet smile.

I smile back. In no time, I'm drying her body with the white fluffy towel, then I massage some coconut oil she showed me into her flawless skin and I dress her up in a red satin blouse and matching drawstring trousers.

By the time I finish sweeping, my back and arms ache so strongly and hunger pangs become unbearable.

Mistress finally gives me permission to take a bath. I walk into the bathroom and draw the curtains close to allow for some privacy. Unfortunately, there is no mirror for me to inspect my back with. I'm sure it's bruised and scarred.

I untie the bloody bandage from my arm and let it fall to the floor. The tub is filled with cold water but its a reward for me, it help with the heat of the Torrid. I shiver as I sink in and sit down, the water begins to calm me, loosens all my knots and soothes my nerves.

I'm going to let myself enjoy this rewarding bath because once I'm out of this tub, I'm plotting my epic escape.

Hi there my lovelies, I hope you have enjoyed the chapter. The next one is from Mavli's POV.

It's going to be very juicy, you don't want to miss it so keep reading!

Thanks for all your support.


Your author, Lixxie.

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