49. The Thunder

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Year of the Roses
Floral Season
The Orchard


I TRY TO STEADY my breathing. And what if he knows what I'm doing? He was the one who suggested running to me only days ago. My fists clench and unclench at my sides. "What do you think I'm doing?"

He shakes his head slowly not answering my question. "You are not coming with me, Alysia."

"Why do you care?" I hiss out. "Why shouldn't I come? You not wanting me to come is not a real reason."

"It is,"  he licks his lip, "I don't want to be held responsible for what will happen." He hesitates, "the old man is looking forward to this, okay? We can't mess it up because of our selfish reasons-"

"Selfish?" It's an appalled shout, "it is my life and I'm the one being selfish? I don't owe the King anything! Your father owes me my freedom! He captured us from our homeland and expects us to do nothing about it?!"

"I'm sorry, Alysia." Kyan shakes his head again and turns to leave. My hand clamps around his wrist in a vice-like grip.

"You aren't sorry, Kyan. There is absolutely nothing to be sorry about because I'm coming with you." An exciting pulse of power surges through me, I feel the pull of it running through my veins. It spirals at the pit of my stomach making me feel strangely invincible.

A cold wind begins to howl and the balmy air turns chilly in a matter of seconds.

He must allow me accompany him. I'm going on the hike whether he likes it or not. He cannot keep me separated from my family. I'm not going to let that happen.

The wind becomes more violent; rustling trees and tousling my hair. I can feel my tresses dancing in it.

"Alysia." He sounds worried and visible fear mars his features. I'm happy, elated seeing that I have such an effect on him. He can't have the upper hand everytime. "What are you doing?"

The skies go gloomy suddenly, heavy dark clouds threatening to let down a torrent of rain. Kyan stares at the angry clouds, awe flickers in his emerald orbs and then it disappears and fear replaces it.

"Calm down, Alysia," he pleads. "Let's talk this out."

"You said it yourself that I can leave, Kyan. You said so." Somewhere in the distance, thunder claps making the Earth shudder in it's wake.

"You can't just leave. I was saying nonsense." He has managed to free himself of my grip but fear plants him firmly to the ground.

"I can," I tell him, "and I will."

"What will-"

"Tell whoever that will be interested that I died, ok? I got attacked by wild animals while you sat back and watched." I must be rambling like a madwoman because Kyan gives me a wary look.

"I can't."
A flash of lightening strikes and thunder claps in it's wake. Kyan startles then recovers. "This... Is bad."

I muster a smile. "Trust me, things will turn out just fine. We will both end up happy, Kyan."

He looks genuinely confused. "What do you mean?"

"I get to be with my family again and you..." The distant grumbling drowns me out a bit, "you will get to choose someone you can tolerate marrying. So, am I coming with you?"

"I-I don't k-know," he stutters. "I-I'll have to speak with my mother."

I glare at him.

"Y-Yes, you are," he says quickly.

"Good." I grin. I'm glad he agreed, I had already began losing focus.

Instantaneously, the dark clouds disappears and the grumbling of thunder fades out leaving a clear blue sky behind.

Kyan stays where he is staring up at the sky in disbelief. Stunned by what just happened.

"Thank you," I mutter. And as quickly as I can, I pack up the food and blanket into the basket and make my way to the Palace. He still stands there. Stunned.

"Lysia!" I barge into her room pushing open the door. I'm happy to see her standing by her window. Rosa is busy arranging Lysia's closet, she looks up as I run in with the basket in hand.

A look of relief dons Rosa's face.

"Alysia!" Lysia gives me a sweet smile. I suddenly regret having to crush it in a few moments. "How was your breakfast? Rosa told me you and Kyan were together in the orchard." She wags her brows at me with a sly grin.

"Yes." I nod. "What were you doing at the window?"

"Watching the sky," she shrugs, "the dark clouds just disappeared."

She doesn't realise it was me.

"I thought it was going to rain too," I say placing the basket at the foot of her bed. "That's part of the reason I came."

She opens the basket and grabs the flask of hibiscus tea. "And the other is?" She audibly gulps down the tea and sighs contently.

I wrung my hands. How can I tell Lysia that I'm leaving? Well, I wouldn't. I can't risk my plan not working out.

Rosa sense my unease and watches me anxiously.

"I'm... Going on a hike with Kyan." I say it quickly, to get if off my chest. And I wait for Lysia's scream, yells, cries... She seems to have freeze in time and just when I think she has gone into shock, she blasts out the dark purple liquid in a squirting stream. Her squeals fill the room now that her mouth is empty and she pulls me into a bone-crushing hug.

I can't be more surprised. She is doing the opposite of what I expected. Rosa seems surprised too, she scurries away probably to bring a mop to clean up Lysia's mess.

"I'm so happy for the two of you!" She squeals. "Kyan never takes anyone on his hikes with him so this must mean he really likes you!"

I hug her back trying to hold her as tight as she holds me. When she finally pries apart, she gives me a beaming smile. "Let's go pack your stuff!" She sings out and drags me out the door just as Rosa is  coming in, mop in hand.

Rosa gives me a wary look and I hold her gaze.

Wow... I can't believe we are at this point in the story. I'm so happy. Keep reading, voting, and commenting!


Your author, Lixxie.

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