59. The End

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Year of the Roses
Floral Season
The Hut


I'M OUTSIDE WITH MOTHER and Mavli plucking pumpkin leaves for soup when a deafening thumping of hooves against the Earth is heard. Frightened, we rush inside and hide only peeping out through the windows.

"It could be them again!" Mavli's lower lip starts to quaver.

Mother's lips move wordlessly with silent prayer.

Carriages come in view, hundreds of them. Some of the carriages speed by and some stop near our hut. Valri is bleating with fright outside, Mother is whimpering with tears and Mavli clutches my arm, her nails digging into my flesh.

It is not soldiers with gold masks that emerge from the carriages but tired, weary and gladdened Kintilese faces.

The people are singing songs of praise. Mavli gasps and runs out the hut, Mother's tears become tears of joy as she cries even harder but with a smile on her face.

"Let's go!" I say to Mother, pulling her with me. Mavli has joined the band of joyous Kintilese and she is dancing with all her might. I am so happy that I start to laugh and cry at the same time. I can't believe that this is real, I don't believe that the Kintilese are being released.

I start dancing too, it is the first time I've danced in a long time.

More carriages come arrive taking the newly freed Kintilese to their huts. I hug a girl singing next to me, I don't know why but I need someone to lean on as I continue to laugh and cry.

He leans in, I can see every pore, every criss-cross of skin, every inch of the copper henna that adorns his skin. And his eyes close, and his lips brush mine. I sigh, melting into his arms as he kisses me.

"I love you, Alysia." He whispers against my lips.

"I love you too, Kyan." I kiss him to seal it. I kiss him to unite us as one never to be separated again. I kiss him with every single part of my being.

I jolt awake, my eyes opening and I sit upright. Mavli lays beside me sleeping peacefully, I scrutinise her delicate features admiring how she looks in her sleep. A lock of hair falls against her cheek and her breaths makes it flutter as she exhales. I tuck it behind her cheek and leaning in, I kiss her cheek. She stirs a little then goes still again.

Slowly, I rise from the mat. Outside, the moonlight is as bright as day, casting it's silver glow on the ground making it glitter like a sea of jewels.

I make to the door of the hut and stare out. In the past, I used to wonder what is just after the horizon but I don't anymore because I know. Kyan. He is waiting for me just after the horizon and I want to be with him. My soul longs for him.

And I know what I must do.

I spin on my heels and come face to face with my mother. "Mother?" My brows scrunch,"what are you doing up so early?"

"I should be asking you the same thing," she says gently. She tilts her head and a small smile spreads across her lips, "you are thinking of him, aren't you?"

I feign ignorance, "what are you talking about?"

My mother chuckles, she grabs my hand and makes me follow her out of the hut. Two women ambling under the moonlight.

"You are thinking of him, the Prince." She says with so much confidence.

"I-I... How did you know?" I'm utterly surprised, it seems parents seem to know everything.

"I knew it from the way you spoke about him. There was so much love in the way you told us about him," she pauses, "even your father mentioned it."

I don't know what to say, I'm even short of words. "Mother..."

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