56. The Girl

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56. The Girl

Year of the Roses
Floral Season
The throne room


MY FATHER'S EYES grows dark with ire. A large vein throbs frantically at his temple, his large hands form fists on the arms of the throne and he snarls bestially. Lysia chokes a sob, large tears pooling in her eyes. My mother doesn't say a word, she is the most collected of us. My Aunt and Rakar pace up and down the throne room. It is Rakar that breaks the silence with a growl.

"That harlot left you? You let that harlot escape?" He walks towards me with a glare, "I don't believe that you let a mere woman outsmart you!" He yells pointing a finger at me.

I'm not angry, not at all. I'm heartbroken, for the first time in my life I know what it feels like to lose the one you love. And I feel so ashamed that I took Lysia's love from her.

I let my left hand leave my side, clenching into a hard fist and plummet into Rakar's jaw. He grunts, touches his jaw and glares at me with anger in form of a dancing flame in his eyes. His mother gasps and run towards us, she grabs Rakar by the hand. "Stop this, child. Don't start a fight."

Rakar flashes his mother an appalled look. "You saw him hit me and you advise me not to start a fight?"

The Duchess' mouth clamps shut, she sends me a pleading look."Kyan just ignore him. Please."

I nod. With a disgusted look he nudges her away and comes charging for me like an aggressive bull. I stand my ground, my hands twitching at my side ready for the collision. Ready to fight.

"Both of you, at ease!" My father's baritone voice reverberates through the room.

All our eyes turn to him. Rakar falls on one knee and bows his head in reverence. "Your Majesty."

I scoff. Rakar knows how to act so well it's irking.

Lysia sniffles and wipes her tears off with the back of her hands. "Father, Mother we should send out search parties to look for Alysia as soon as possible."

My parents share a look then my father clears his throat," I'm afraid we won't be doing anything like that."

"What?" Lysia shrieks, "no, no!" She bursts out crying again. Seeing her cry breaks me even more, I walk to her and hold her in my arms. She places her head against my chest reminding me of when Alysia did same back in the Highlands before she left me, before she broke her promise. A tear escapes my eye and I wipe it off immediately, I don't want my parents to see how attached I am to her.

"But it's not all bad news," my mother cracks into a wide grin, "Lysia?"

"Yes?" Lysia manages to squeak a reply.

"Your father and I have agreed that the wedding ceremony will still take place. We have made the agreements a week from now." My mother descends from her throne next to my father taking the steps one at a time, her heeled sandals clicking against the floor.

"But Elunia... How can there be a marriage with no bride or groom for your children?" Aunt Alira asks with concern marred on her face. I know what she is thinking.

My father laughs, "don't worry dear sister. My Queen and I have pondered on these things especially Lysia's marriage-"

"Lysia's husband is going to be a surprise," my mother beams at Lysia who begrudgingly beams back. They know something, they are hiding something.

"And Kyan's bride?" Aunt Alira lifts a brow.

"He will meet with his bride to-be today," my father says with all seriousness.

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