Chapter 17

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My wolf's paws glided through the dirt. My blonde complexion stood out against the dark night. I looked back worried that he would chase me, and when he would find me, it wouldn't be pretty. I stopped for a brief moment, listening and looking for any clue of him following me.

My wolf yipped with happiness when she found a river. Something to drink and to mask my scent with. I quenched my thirst and rolled in the water. I continued running off in a different direction, trying to confuse him if he followed my scent. I was miles away from Logan's pack and I paused briefly to rest my paws. I laid my head on the cold ground.

A loud deep howl echoed throw the wood, a shiver ran through my spine. I had to fight my wolf from going toward my mate. I forced my wolf to run further into the woods. I was quickly dodged trees and jumping over stumps. The wind felt amazing against my fur. I remembered how much I loved to exercise. I knew that I was going to go back eventually, to face Alec, but I wanted to be alone for a while.

Suddenly, my side burst with pain as a slightly smaller red wolf tackled me. I easily stood to a stance and snarled at him, warning him to back off. We growled and circled each other. I could tell by his scent that he was a rogue. We both lunged at each other, obviously not wanting to back down. I tackled him to the ground snarling at him. While he was underneath me. I did not want to kill him, I just wanted to be left alone.

Two other wolves appeared and lowly growled at me. Since I was distracted the wolf quickly turned the tables, and I was underneath him. I bit into his chest and he yelped in pain. I used that time to get out from underneath him. I went instantly into an attack stance. More wolves appeared, and I was surrounded by at least twenty rogues. They all circled me, but I didn't back down.

Two wolves bit into my leg. I turned around and clawed at them, they backed up. A couple of wolves jumped on my back. I run full force into a tree and slammed their bodies against it. I heard more growling and snarling, from the other wolves, as they fell to the ground beside me and whimpered. I growled menacingly at all the wolves. I charged at the nearest wolf and sank my teeth into her neck. I ripped my head from side to side. A wolf rammed into my side freeing her from my clutches. It was already late, she was dead.

The wolves all attacked me at once. Some jumped on my back and ripped out small pieces of my skin. The others were going for my front and back legs. I ended up killing four wolves, but they had a more powerful group. Every time I killed one of their wolves, it seemed like two more appeared and attacked me.

It was all over when a human rogue stabbed me with a silver knife, then followed a syringe to my neck. All the wolves stopped attacking me and backed up.

My wolf wobbled trying to fight the familiar feeling of being paralyzed. I forced myself to walk, trying to escape. I eventually fell to the ground in defeat. My eyes remind open, and I was still awake. I hated the fact that I wasn't unconscious like I was supposed to be because soon memories of that dreaded night filled my head.

A man appeared in my vision, "Your still awake huh?" His evil laugh filled the air. The other wolves shifted and begin to laugh as well. It sounded like hyenas laughing in the air. My wolf whimpered and gulped.

"Tell him to get the chloroform." The man commanded someone.

Just like that, I was being kidnapped again, but I was being kidnapped by my kidnapper. I struggled but I let out a long howl to alert someone. "Shut up!" The man hissed and kicked my snout. My wolf whimpered at the brutal force of the kick. A dark cloth was pressed against my snout. I felt myself shift unwillingly. Then I went into darkness.


I was awoken by a kick to the stomach. My stomach erupted in pain. I then remembered when I was kicked in the face and it felt numb. I put my hand up to feel my face. I also looked at my side, and luckily my wound healed from the knife.

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