☆Chapter 22☆

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The lightbulb was still out, so I switched to my wolf's vision. I saw Alec jump up from his cell across from me. "Someone is here." He said. I allowed my wolf to heighten her senses. All I heard was the sound of guns going off and heavy footsteps. Someone was definitely here.

"It's Insuvai and Damon I hear them," Alec said.

"Who's that?" Ava worriedly asked.

"Don't worry Ava, we are getting out of here!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"I hope so. I can't take it anymore." Ava whispered.

I listened again with my senses. "Damon, track them down!" I fadedly heard Insuvai yell. They must be directly above us.

"Damon! Insuvai!" Alec and I yelled at the same time. Hoping Damon would hear us, I yelled again for them.

"I hear them!" Damon shouted. A couple of minutes passed by, then I saw a bright light coming from the hallway. Damon and Insuvai appeared in front of my cell door. Insuvai had fireballs in her hand. She glared harshly at the cell doors, and it fell to the ground.

"Damn," I said. Sometimes I forget how powerful she is. She walked to me lighting up my cell. Soon wrist and ankles feel free again thanks to Insuvai. I showed Insuvai to the other two cells that contained Alec, Ava, and Grace. Insuvai let Alec out first. Alec walked out of his cell and Damon had a glimpse of his face. Insuvai and Damon gasped in horror and looked at me for answers glancing back at him.

"Don't ask." The pain was laced in my voice as I shook my head. Damon and Insuvai focused on getting the girls out and then we left the dungeon. As we escaped the house and piled into the crowded truck, I couldn't help but notice all the hunters lying on the ground.

"Are they dead?" I asked.

"No, only sleeping. They will wake up when we leave, and they won't remember who we are." She said.

"Good," I said.

Damon was driving away from the house. Insuvai sat beside me in the back seat. I think she wanted to let Alec sit up front because it's clear he went through a lot. The healing bruises, blood stains, and the open wound on his face proved that. Ava was sitting on Grace's lap and they were leaning against the truck door fast asleep. The trip was silent, but it was expected to be.

"Are you well?" Insuvai asked me.

"I am. Thanks to Alec." I told her. I never questioned Alec at the time of what he did. He could have let the people hurt me then he wouldn't be in the condition he's in, but he didn't. It confused me because I remember him saying that I could be tortured and he wouldn't care. To me, it seemed like he did care or else he wouldn't have stopped them. Or perhaps, he just wanted to be the one to torture me. Maybe he couldn't stand the fact that someone else was hurting me other than him. I came to the conclusion that I torturing myself with these thoughts and I just needed some sleep. I rested my head against the car door.


"Hopefully there isn't any more complications." I heard someone say.

"I really wouldn't care." My mate muttered. I opened my eyes for a brief second and discovered everyone else was fast asleep except for Damon and Alec. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep so I could listen to their first peaceful conversation with each other.

"Are you sure your okay?" Damon asked.

"Why do you two always ask the same things? I'm an alpha. I've been through worse." Alec groaned.

"Okay man just making sure."

"You have alpha blood." It was more of a statement than a question.

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