☆Chapter 20☆

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I cried out in pain as I tried to stand up. I would be healing but the bullet didn't go all the way through, and it was laced with wolfsbane. As if the bullet wound didn't hurt enough, now I had to deal with the acidic feeling of pain from the wolfsbane. The truck door slammed shut. I spun around to see who it was, but I ended up falling to the ground. Alec helped me stand to my feet.

"Leah! Oh mine own god!" Insuvai yelled and panicked.

"It's fine." I hacked up some blood. "Someone get it out," I said gasping, but I ended up choking on my words.

"The bullet didn't go all the way through," Damon told Insuvai, who was too shocked to do much.

When Insuvai finally came back to realization she said, "Guys I needeth to do a big spelleth. You seeth that tree," She pointed to a big tree in the countryside.

"I needeth you two to gather me twenty pieces of fruit," Insuvai said. Alec ran over to the tree like his life depended on it, and Damon got dressed first then he sprinted to the tree. Insuvai helped me move to lay down beside the truck, blocking Alec and Damon from my view.

"Why do you need fruit?" I asked.

"I don't. I just did need those folk to leaveth. If I can get the bullets out, can you healeth yourself with your own power?" Insuvai asked. I nodded my head. Insuvai's hand was raised above the heavily bleeding bullet wound in my chest. She moved her hand in a circular motion and I felt the bullet move inside me. The pain was excruciating, and a scream erupted from my lips.

"Almost done. I'm trying not to hit anything important." Insuvai said. Within seconds the bullet slowly raised out of my chest. I sighed in relief because most of the pain had stopped. "Healeth yourself now," Insuvai demanded. As Insuvai worked on getting the second bullet out of my leg, I place my hand on my bloody chest. My hand heated up and I smiled as the pain slowly went away. When I was done healing my chest and Insuvai had just got the second bullet out. I healed my leg and happily stood up as the pain vanished. Insuvai walked to the truck bed and tossed me some spare clothes. I quickly got dressed.

Just at that time Damon and Alec showed up with all the fruit. "Sorry guys, I don't needeth the fruit anymore." Insuvai sheepishly said.

"We got these fruit for fucking nothing." Alec released all the fruit in his arms.

"I wouldn't be complaining Alpha Knine. Last time I checked the hunter had the pistol pointed at your fucking head, not Leah's. She saved your arrogant life. Be grateful." Damon called him out. They growled at each other and I rolled my eyes.

"We have more important matters guys!" I half yelled.

"Like getting the truck running." Insuvai chimed in.

"And all the dead bodies," I added.

"That's a good point." Damon broke out of the growing match, and you could tell he had alpha blood in him. However, I doubt he would win a fight against Alec. He went to his truck bed and pulled out two shovels. He tossed the second shovel at Alec, and he easily caught the shovel due to his wolf's eyes.

"Let us see what you can do Alpha." Damon sneered at him. They went to the roadside and put their strength to the test.

"They are so dumb," I said and went to the truck bed.

"What are you doing?" Insuvai asked.

"I'm looking for a shovel," I answered.

"Pft, you are funny. You are not digging." Insuvai stated.

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