Ye Old Foreword

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Welcome to my 2018 NaNoWriMo Project

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Welcome to my 2018 NaNoWriMo Project. I'm so excited to kick this one off. I've been dying to write this for months now. This story was inspired by a few things. My love of music is just one. I also wanted to put a fresh twist on an old archetype. 

Necromancers are supposed to be all scary, and doom and gloom and such. I wanted to go in a different direction with the way I portray mine. Zombies, are supposed to be mindlessly aggressive and rotting with their skin hanging off and such. Not here.

I spent months building this world that centers around death and flowers and music. And it sounds crazy but trust me, it will all make sense once you get into the story. Also this will be my first attempt at romance (kinda), and I hope to god I don't screw it up.

I won't be updating (exactly) as I write. Trust me, you all don't want that. I like to take time to polish up my work before I post. Expect updates every week, because I'll just post as I polish. And don't worry, this won't affect updates to my other projects, I promise.

I hope you all enjoy this short ride through a new world. Don't forget to comment if you like it and vote if you love it.


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