Daybreak Ostinato (Encore)

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Octavia made it to the Cathedral after nearly an hour of walking. The building towered over her, its many stained glass windows like eyes scrutinizing her, deciding if she were worthy of entering its vast depths. Its oppressive force bared down on her shoulders, making her feel small and insignificant insect next to its hulking, grey glory. Buildings didn't have feet, but she was afraid this one would step on her.

She grabbed the brass knocker and slammed it against the wood. At the same time, her bell rang. The sounds twisted and twirled around each other, mingling as they echoed through the interior of the building.

Nothing. Not even a whisper of a nightwalker returned to her ears.

One side of the door swung open, and a young woman in the gold and white garb of the priests stepped out. Her black hair was shorn off at the chin and her eyes were nigh as dark as the interior of the Cathedral. "Can I help you?"

Octavia took note that her right hand never strayed far from the sword on her hip. "I'm here to see Councilman Sicero. He sent for me earlier."

"You're Miss Octavia then?" She smiled and opened the door wider. "Right this way."

She stepped into the warmth of the building, craning her head up to admire the pointed arches that stretched up to the vaulted ceiling. Furniture carved from heavy wood decorated the foyer, and a painting of the Divine City hung over the hearth.

"I'm Zhen by the way," the girl said as she led Octavia to the steps at the back of the foyer. "I've heard much about you from Tallis and the High Priest."

"It's a pleasure." She trailed her hand along the polished wood banister as she ascended the stairs. They hung a left into the north wing of the building, following halls lined with sconces and decorative statues. She reached up to smooth her braids, and the bell chimed, its sound loud in the quiet halls.

Still no nightwalker. Perhaps it was confined in a space where she couldn't detect it. She wasn't sure if the priests were capable of such a feat but wouldn't rule it out as a possibility. Or this place could have a few soundproof rooms. In which case she'd need a tour of sorts to fully explore it. One step forward, two steps back.

"Here we are." Zhen stopped in front of a plain wood door and knocked before opening it. "My Lord, Miss Octavia is here to see you."

Octavia arched a brow. My Lord? She wondered if that was his official title. Perhaps she should address him by it and find out.

"Please come in," Sicero called from the other side.

The girl stepped aside and nodded for Octavia to enter. As she did, the door clicked shut behind her. The office wasn't as big Beatrix's, but still as finely decorated as the rest of the Cathedral. The carpet was a shade of grey that was nearly black, and a lit hearth on the eastern side of the room warmed the air.

Sicero sat behind a wood desk, framed by shelves upon carved shelves of text. "Please have a seat." He gestured to the chair in front of his desk.

Octavia grimaced. Her feet itched with the urge to explore more of the Cathedral, to seek out the nightwalker hiding somewhere in this village. She took slow measured steps to the chair and lowered herself down without a word.

"How are the repairs going?" The question hung in the air between them for a moment, with him looking at her expectantly, and her shifting in her seat.

"They finished the back wall and the shelving. But Councilman Levi said it will be a while before I can get a new cool box." Her tone was more clipped than she intended, but she wasn't about to correct that. One bad run-in with management of this village was enough. Treading lightly was the best course of action given her unique circumstances.

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