Virtuoso's Gift

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Octavia counted the ribs in the vaulted ceiling over her head as she walked through the Cathedral. The corridor she strolled down was identical to the scores of other corridors she'd wandered that morning. Or perhaps it was the same corridor, and she'd been going in circles like a mindless daywalker.

Of the five floors that made up the Cathedral, she'd had only visited the first two, and with company. The layout of the place had appeared simple enough when she had someone to guide her, but alone, she understood how massive and deceiving it was. Much like the Divine City.

To distract herself from the fact that she was lost, she went down a list of things she needed to get done today. She had a meeting with the Council at midday to coordinate a strategic search of the island which included every building in the village along with the ruins and the docks. Then the medics wanted to see her that afternoon. Much to her chagrin, none of this day's activities involved teaching.

With her secret out, it made no sense to continue masquerading as music teacher, but that wouldn't stop her from seeing her students again. Especially when they were the reason she was still here. She hoped they wouldn't be too crushed when they found out she wouldn't be teaching them anymore. But her duty as a necromancer trumped her duty as an educator. Since the schoolhouses had been destroyed, classes for the younger students were held in the Cathedral's common room, while the older kids were in the study.

Sicero had left for the Council Hall, and Claud wasn't in his workshop, which left her on her own to wander this place. Around every corner, down every corridor and up every flight of stairs, she found locked doors, empty rooms and silence. Her mind conjured up images of the floors opening up and swallowing her, or a wall splitting open and an eldritch horror grabbing her by the neck and dragging her to her doom.

This Cathedral seemed less like a building and more like a living, breathing thing. An apex predator sitting atop a pedestal and leering down at them all like the insignificant creatures they were. No wonder Quintus burned the one in Avaly to the ground.

Octavia looked down at the variegated tile, her footfalls her only company in the corridor. The belly of this beast seemed bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. And crawling with Priests—the Divine City's stooges to boot. She stuck her hand in her pocket and clutched the handle of her dagger.

She'd stared at it for far too long this morning before deciding to carry it with her. Everyone smiled in her face now, but she didn't know if those smiles were genuine, or carefully placed props to gain her trust so she wouldn't abandon Hedalda. On top of that, the netherborne's presence still plagued her mind, adding another layer of paranoia.

Octavia came to a junction at the end of the hall looked up and down the corridor. Doors lined the wall on one side, and curtain-covered windows on the other. Before she could retreat, one door swung open and out walked Zhen in full priestly regalia. Her grip on her dagger tightened.


Octavia raised her free hand in an awkward wave. "Good morning. I was just on my way to the common room."

"Ah. You took the wrong hall then. The common room is on the other side. I'll show you." Zhen motioned for her to start down the hall.

A quiver settled in Octavia's gut as she fell into step with Zhen. Thumbing the jeweled pommel of her dagger calmed her fluttering heart. But she felt as though someone would jump from the shadows and slam a knife in her back. Or someone standing next to her.

"I..." Zhen cleared her throat. "I didn't get to thank you. For saving me. So thank you."

It took a moment for the fog in her mind to part. Images of her kneeling beside a couch and singing flashed through her mind. And on that couch was Zhen, with blight climbing up her arms, sprouting trees and flowers. "Oh. Think nothing of it."

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