Snowlight Prima Donna

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Octavia plucked her glass of wine from the side table and settled more comfortably in her rose-scented bath before taking a sip. The water was blissfully hot against her skin, and the wine crisp and cool as it settled in her stomach, a contrast that induced pure ecstasy.

Winslet had invited her over for relaxation and pampering ahead of the ball. The palatial estate she shared with Beatrix sat at the north side of the village near the farms. In terms of architecture, it wasn't as grand as the cathedral, but Octavia appreciated the rustic style, with its exposed brick, wooden floors and hand-crafted wooden furniture.

"Gods, I could live like this forever." Winslet said as she stretched a rosy leg up from her bathwater.

Steam clouded the air of the bathhouse, and Octavia had wrapped her hair up tight to stop the moisture from ruining her braids.

"Don't get too comfortable," Beatrix said. "Our carriage arrives in an hour or so." Her face was caked with a slimy green mask that reminded Octavia of the poultices medics used.

"I know. I know." Winslet took her own wine and drained the glass. "There's just something so therapeutic about scalding hot water, don't you think, Octavia?"

"On a freezing day like this, it's absolutely divine." Octavia frowned at her wrinkling fingers. "But I'm terribly pruned, and I'd like to start getting dressed." She got out of her bath and wrapped herself in a fluffy towel.

Beatrix rose from her own bath, her skin flushed pink. "We should get ready as well Winslet." That earned her an indignant groan from her spouse.

Octavia left the Chief Councilor to drag Winslet from the bath and went one room over to the boudoir. Cloud-like carpet cushioned her bare feet Fluffy blue lounges and stools sat under shelves lined with skin creams, oils and perfumes. Their dresses hung near the east wall and her bag sat on the long table next to the hand-carved vanity.

She donned her undergarments before rifling through her bag for her make-up. Then took a seat in front of the vanity and worked on her face, painting her lips a sinful shade of red.

Beatrix and Winslet came in a moment later, the former sitting on a fluffy stool and oiling her skin, while the latter shared the vanity mirror with Octavia to do her own make-up.

A knock came on the room door, and Emily, the estate's attendant poked her head in. Her black hair was swept up into a neat bun but like them, she wasn't fully dressed either. "A package my lady, for Miss Octavia. A young priest came by to deliver it."

Winslet got up and accepted the package before Octavia could – a long wooden box tied with red ribbon with a note fixed to the top. "Thanks, Em."

The attendant nodded and slipped out as quickly as she'd appeared.

"Wonder who this is from." Winslet waved the box in front of Octavia before placing it on the vanity. "It's heavy."

Octavia pulled the note off.

Can't wait to see you at the ball.

~ Sicero

Seeing his slanted, curling scrawl brought a smile to her lips. They'd been seeing more of each other since the incident. Sicero would come by to take her to work, then invite her for supper at the Cathedral before taking her home. Her ankle had gotten better, but not enough to make the long walk to school, so they'd be sharing more carriage rides and meals in the coming weeks.

Winslet snatched the note from her hands, gaze flitting over the paper. "I knew it! I knew! He's so smitten." She jumped up and down like a giddy school girl. "Open the box."

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