Winter's Cadenza

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The more time Octavia spent in Hedalda, the more accustomed she grew to the villager gatherings. Though this one felt more special. With the netherborne gone, the villagers mover around ore freely. They smiled brighter, laughed more. This was her vision for the rest of the world and the motivation she needed to keep going.

Octavia inhaled and tipped her face up to the morning sun, her shoulders relaxing. Today was the first day she hadn't awoken run down. Her body didn't feel and though she was carrying around a lead weight on her shoulders, and the fog of maddening paranoia had cleared. She and Quintus sat on the slabs of stone by the destroyed inn and watched the crowd.

The priests lingered around the sides of the road, saying final goodbyes to the villagers. Sicero stood in their midst hands stuffed in his pockets and eye on the village's entrance, the white streak behind his ear stark against his black curls.

"Horses spotted," Zhen announced from her post by the gate. She stood on her trunk with a looking glass up to her eyes, gazing into the trees. "They don't bear our crest."

"Ah. That must be my ride then," Quintus said. "As much as I'd love to spend more time with you lovely people, I have obligations elsewhere."

The clopping hooves against the frozen ground cut through the hum of converation as a contingent of guards came through the trees bearing flags emblazoned with a red and gold sparrow. The sunlight gleamed on their polished armour, and winked off the tips of their halberds.

In their midst rode King Jaredeth upon a fearsome black steed. Even though his armour didn't gleamed as brightly as the others, he still drew the gaze of the crowd. He furrowed his brow, eyes roaming over each face before he found Quintus. He came down from his horse and weaved through the people.

Quintus shot to his feet. "Jaredeth, what are you—" His words fell short when the King grabbed him by the collar and dragged his head down for a kiss.

Octavia had to held back a laugh as jaws dropped and eyes popped around her. It brought back memories of when Quintus had first introduced her to Avaly's King.

"When I said I needed a boat, I didn't expect you to come with it," Quintus said, his voice low and husky. "Not that I'm complaining."

"I know, but I missed you. I trust you've been treated well here." Jaredeth's gaze drifted past Quintus and landed on Beatrix.

He shrugged. "Well I'm not starving or in chains, so well enough I suppose."

"Good. Octavia my darling." Jaredeth kissed her cheek. "You're a bit weathered in the face."

"And in the soul. But my work here isn't quite done." She eyed the guards. "Although if I didn't know better, I'd say you came to overrun the place."

"And it's a good thing I did." He shivered and turned towards the forest. "You won't believe who docked beside us. Two massive Divine City ships."

"We should hijack them and burn them to the ground," Quintus said. "Or we could keep them. Repaint them in Avaly's colours. I bet they have a lot of good loot."

"Carriages," Zhen said, cutting through the conversation. "It's the City."

Thunder rang through the air and shook the ground and five carriages charged through the pillars. They circled the crowd, kicking up clouds of dust and snow before slowing to a stop. Of course the Divine City had to make an extravagant entrance.

The lead carriage opened, and an elder man with salt and pepper hair stepped out. He wore the pristine white and gold of the Priests, but his coat had a higher collar and pins on the lapel.

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