Virtuoso's Gift (Encore)

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In all her days, Octavia had never feared sin and symphony, but as the song continued and the melody sunk into her, her heart quickened. The words were foreign to her and carried the same inflections as the necromantic tongue. But the similarities ended there.

Another necromancer. And not an ordinary one either. She fisted her hands as the vibrations tingled up and down her body. This power was potent, but she sensed no malice behind it. This wasn't the kind of necromancy that laid rot to everything it touched, or even raised the dead. The vibrations were far too gentle for that.

Then what is the intent here?

Quintus cleared his throat. "Before you cast blame my way. I only brought Havers with me." He jerked a thumb over his shoulder.

Havers, Jaredeth's majordomo, sat near the fire pit, the reins of a horse in one hand and a walking cane in the other. Unlike everyone else, he regarded the sky with a small smile on his face, as though he were at a show and not witnessing what could be a disaster. Then again, after spending years with Quintus and Jaredeth, there was probably little that could surprise him.

"Why would you drag Havers out here?" Octavia asked, motioning at the man in question.

"It's good to see you too, my lady," he said, inclining his head. "I assure you I'm here of my own volition. I'm more afraid of the castle burning down in my absence than a few netherborne."

Quintus took his cross from the back of the horse. "There are more than a few netherborne here. And probably another necromancer now."

Claud emerged from the vestibule with Zhen in tow. "Did I just here you right? There's another necromancer here?"

"Seems so." Quintus fiddled with the contraption, flipping latches and pulling straps until the top popped open.

"But that's a good thing right? Surely another necromancer means another ally?"

He shrugged and tossed a bell at Octavia. With its intricate floral engravings, and black ribbon, it was far more extravagant than her plain silver one. A gift from Jaredeth's perhaps. "Are you well enough to fly?"

Octavia shook her head. "We'll both go on foot."

"I'll join you as well," Zhen said, with youthful enthusiasm. "If that's fine with you."

"I'm going whether it's fine or not." Claud looked up to the Cathedral's balcony, where several priests stood. "Will you need any other reinforcements? Perhaps a calvary team in case things go awry?"

Octavia shook her head. If they took too many people, they risked scaring or angering the necromancer. "I want as little people involved as possible. Let's not dally any longer. I'll take point. Quintus, watch our backs."

Octavia led the way at a jog, around the Cathedral and past the stable house and a fenced enclosure where two mares trotted around. They ventured beyond the barrier into the forest. The cold bit into her, and she cursed herself for not grabbing a jacket.

"I don't see or sense any netherborne out here," Quintus said. "Perhaps they're running from our friend."

Octavia stayed quiet, the tightness in her throat stifling any words trying to escape. As they trekked on, she focused on the song. The words flowed together, smooth as silk and the singer's voice gave the song an extra layer of depth and emotion. Music in a foreign tongue had always been more appealing to her ear. Not understanding the lyrics added an element of mystery and narrowed her focus to the melody and the emotions in the singer's voice.

No matter how far they walked, the sound grew no louder than it had been in the village, but the vibration the necromancy's source was in the east. As they neared the shoreline, a tinge of salt came with the breezes. Octavia stopped short when splashes of green, red and yellow peeped through the frozen trees. The snow and ice gave way to sprawling green grass dotted with flowers in full bloom. And hovering over it all were three pairs of black wings.

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