NaNo Day 15 - Halfway!

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My phone buzzed. Thinking it was my alarm, I groaned and clicked the "End" button before literally rolling out of bed and onto the floor. Somewhat confused, Chelise hopped down and sat in front of me, licking my face. I scratched up and down her sides then shoved her away. Putting my hand on my nightstand, I shoved myself up to stand straight. A couple shakes of my head resulted in me being a little more awake than before, although I easily could have gone back to sleep just as easily as I could wander my way to the bathroom to turn on the water. I stretched my arms, first my right then left. I reached over and tapped the digital clock on my nightstand.

4:30AM. My alarm was not set to go off for another hour.

Now somewhat frantic—had Thaddeus's plane gotten delayed?—I picked up my phone and opened it up. After a couple clicks, the device read out my recent calls. I froze, all color probably draining from my face as a chill shot up my spine. I did not know how long I stood paralyzed, but I eventually closed the flip phone with trembling fingers and placed it back on the nightstand. I would bother with that later. It was a Friday, and Thaddeus was supposed to get back today.

He had been in Italy for three weeks. It felt like the longest three weeks of my life.

I slipped on my running shoes, tights, and sports bra and went into the extra bedroom. I would run outside, but it was starting to get too cold for that. I needed the sun to be up to warm the air, and that would not happen for another couple hours. I did not want to wait that long. The room did not have much in it, just some basic equipment I had purchased secondhand. A couple of the weights were missing, and the treadmill was not able to roll itself up to form an incline anymore, but that hardly mattered to me. It still ran. I knew where all the buttons were. That was good enough for me. After a fast warm-up walk, I picked up my speed to a light jog. I heard Chelise whine, but I ignored her. She could have her breakfast when I normally fed her at around 6:30AM. Right now, I just wanted to run. And think.

The phone call had been from my father.

It had been six years since either of us had initiated any contact besides the rare email, which made me wonder why on this earth he was trying to make amends now. If that was even what he was doing in the first place. I had doubted my father's motives and his every action since the day I was old enough to understand that he was not like most dads. That became even more evident to me the first time I met Joe's family. I tried not to let it bother me, though my father and I had shared some harsh words over the years. Some of them I regretted, most of them I did not. He deserved them. I experienced more love from my teachers than I ever did from him.

But that was beside the point. I had no idea why he had called me. Especially at 3:30AM, Texas time. Something had to be wrong, although I did not know what it could have been. Was it bad of me to say I did not particularly care? He was my dad in that he slept with my mom, and I resulted. And I lived with him until I graduated high school, but he did not raise me. Not by any means. He was barely there; he did not even attend my graduation ceremony.

I lost my footing, scrambling to regain it before I collapsed on the treadmill. My hands shot out and grabbed the protective railing until I felt steadied enough to let loose of them once more. I should return his call. I really should, but I had no interest in doing so now. He probably just wanted to call to ask for money. When I had first moved out, I sent him some money just to help him survive since he could not get a job. But then he started to expect it from me every month, sending me emails asking when the money was going to come.

I had used some very colorful language with him and basically told him to get a life. I had then deleted that email account and created a new one. It was not my proudest moment, but I did not want him having any say in my life any longer. I only gave him my cell number in case of emergencies, otherwise he swore he would never use it.

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