Day 19 - Written while listening to Hamilton

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I did not turn around, instead simply turning my face in Thomas's direction. If I were younger, I might have stuck my tongue out at him, but I was more mature than least at the moment. I gave him a victorious and smug smile when he dropped his hand from my arm. I did not dare to rub the place where his hand had been; I was sure it was red, and the spot suddenly felt cold as the air hit it for the first time in a couple minutes. Instead, I temporarily let loose of Chelise's harness to grab both sides of my dress so I could curtsy in his direction. I was very careful not to spill my wine.

"I can't say it was a pleasure talking to you," I said. "Run along now before you get hurt."

He said nothing, but I heard his shirt rustling as he looked from me to the one who had spoken. With a scoffing sound in the back of his throat, he walked away, finally leaving me to turn toward my...savior. I hesitated to use the word, but it was a good descriptor at the moment. I doubted Thomas would have gone away otherwise.

"Thank you," I said, taking hold of Chelise's harness again.

"You're welcome," Thaddeus said.

I did not know what else to say, so I simply nodded my head.

"I can relate to him." He stepped closer to me so I could take his arm. After swallowing the rest of my wine, I put it on the tray of a passing waiter before slipping my arm through Thaddeus's, my hand resting lightly on the crook of his elbow.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"You've said that to me."

"Ah...yes." He started walking, and I tried my best to follow his long stride. "I'm still sorry about that. I was really rude and out of line."

I could tell his hand twitched only because I was holding his arm. He was in his business mode, which meant as little movement as necessary. Thaddeus was also terribly tense; I could tell he hated this whole party deal just as much as I did. While both of us could act well enough at these types of functions, I knew him better by this point. This was a necessary event to encourage continued good relations with all of Andino Incorporate's partners; that did not mean he had to enjoy being here. Lifting my fingers one by one on his arm, I moved them to the beat of the music being played by the quartet. My movements were so tiny, I doubted anyone could see them, but Thaddeus felt them. When the tension in his muscles decreased slightly, I squeezed him once then loosened my grip.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To find Joe."

"What, tired of my company already?" I moved my eyes up toward his face. Perhaps I was making eye contact, or maybe I was looking at his nose. I would never know. "I don't know whether I should be offended or not."

"I'm unsure whether I could ever tire of your company," he said softly. It was so soft, I almost missed it.

But of course I had excellent hearing, which meant I did not miss it. Which meant it took everything in me to keep walking forward. I wanted to stop and gawk at him, but I knew better than to do that in public. I did squeeze his arm again, though somewhat unintentionally as I lost my footing in the three-inch heels I had on my feet. Wearing this particular pair had been Kat's idea, and I wanted to kill her. I usually carried myself perfectly fine in heels, but Thaddeus speaking whispers of truths in my ear was causing me to forget things which I previously could do so easily.

Like walking.

And breathing.

You know, the essentials.

"Are you going to give a speech?" I asked.


"If you recognize me for my part in this, I swear I'll slap you," I said, only half-joking.

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