December 27

260 17 2

//Author's Note: So, I have a variety of scenes thought out, like I said, but the moment, I really don't feel like writing the stuff in between said scenes. With that in mind, things might get disjointed at times, as I'm probably going to skip the scenes I haven't thought out, at least for now. Plus, I don't want to take forever to reach the end of this book! I'll move back to the filler eventually, but for now...we'll take the speedy route. Hopefully that's okay with you guys! 

Like my original plan was to write at least one scene here between Lily/Kat/Joe/Elizabeth, but that's effort.  SO...moving onward. ;) 

The day Thaddeus arrived home, he sent Mike to pick me up again. I spent the last two weeks mostly distracting myself with Joe, Katherine, and Elizabeth. It worked. Ever since I had explained the entire situation with Marcus to Thaddeus, it had been easier for me to go to Joe and Kat's apartment. The nightmares had not been as prevalent, either. I still had a couple, but a couple was far better than a couple dozen. It helped that I was able to talk with Thaddeus at night, as hearing his voice put me at ease far more than I ever could have expected it would. I talked infrequently with my stepmother, too. She mentioned wanting to visit New York for my birthday, which was next month, but I was going to try everything I could to dissuade her from coming. It was an event I never celebrated, as my birthday had never been a happy day for my father. It was the day I took his wife's away from him.

I ruffled through my closet as I decided what to wear. I usually did not care, but for some reason, I wanted to look appealing for Thaddeus today. I had braided my hair last night and then undone it this morning, so my brown hair fell around my face in loose waves instead of straight as a board as it normally was. I finally felt the fabric for which I was looking. Touching my fingertips to the bottom of the skirt, I grazed them up to feel the neckline. Strapless with the slightest hint of a sweetheart. The cotton dress would reach down to just above my knees when I put it on. Kat had surprised me with this dress a week ago because it would not fit her anymore, and she did not think it would ever fit again.

I was not sure at the time whether I believed her, because I found the tag still hanging from inside of the dress; I'd had to snap it off before putting the garment in my closet. From what Kat told me, it was a navy blue dress with white flowers printed onto the fabric. The only part that really mattered to me at the moment was the color: navy blue. Navy blue was Thaddeus's favorite color.

I put it on quickly and was at my door before Mike rang the bell. I smiled at him in greeting.

"Hi, Mike," I said.

"Good afternoon, Liliana. You look lovely."

"Thanks," I said with a blush.

He definitely noticed, for I heard him chuckle.

"Just as long as you don't poke me," I said.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

I rolled my eyes and sent Chelise back to my bedroom from her previously comfortable position on the couch. Not bothering to grab my purse, I locked my apartment door with my key after setting the alarm then slipped it into the pocket of my dress. Mike and I drove to the airport in silence, but I did not mind. I could hardly sit still, as all I could think of was how excited I was to see Thaddeus. I had missed him, and I wanted to tell him that. I wanted to smell his cologne and aftershave. Feel his skin under my fingers and the pressure of his body against mine when I hugged him, and maybe the pressure as we did...other things, too.

We arrived at the airport just in time for his jet's wheels to touch the tarmac. This time, though, I did not leave the side of the car. Mike went around to the driver's side and sat in the vehicle so I could have my privacy with Thaddeus. I heard Thaddeus's feet against the cement first, the beautiful sound growing ever louder until he stood so close to me, I could smell each aspect of his scents that I associated with Thaddeus. He put down his bags on either side of me, leaving his hands on either side of the vehicle. His breath was warm against my face, tickling my skin.

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