January 11

208 18 0

"You stayed at the office later than usual," Thaddeus sad.

"And let me guess...you're still there." I smiled.


"Uh-huh." I leaned back in my chair, tucking my bare knees under my shirt and pressing them against my chest. "You really need a life outside the office. It's not healthy."

"I have you for that," he said.

"Damn right you do," I said. I so rarely swore that it always brought a little chuckle to Thaddeus's quote when I did. I supposed he never expected the innocent-looking blind girl to have the ability to curse like a sailor. Well, he probably still never expected that, as I tried not to curse. There were far better words that I could use to describe people or frustrating situations.

Thaddeus said nothing, but I heard his hum of amusement. Perfect.

"I enjoy pulling you to things like a zoo. That concert. That restaurant in Brooklyn. A beach."

"The beach—both times—was my idea, remember?"

Oh, yes, I definitely remembered both days very well. The first day, it was the first time I felt super self-conscious of my body's flaws. It was the first time I felt someone's eyes studying me from head to foot. The first time, it was an awkward interaction between us, climaxed by two different things: being petrified of drowning and by Thaddeus bodily protecting me from the crashing waves. The second day, he held me as we contemplated the future which could be...

...but only if we came out with our relationship.

I held back another swear, but this time it was not one in teasing, and it was one far stronger than "damn."

"So, what's on your mind?" I asked, resting my cheek on my knees.

"What would you say about going to a gala?"

"You can't be serious," I said with a disbelieving laugh. "You. Me. A gala. That hardly seems like my type of scene...or yours, for that matter."

"A potential banking partner is hosting it. He's trying to court my business."

"And you're entertaining the idea?"

"Maybe." He sighed. "I don't like the rate I'm getting now, and this firm may be able to offer something better. If not, I can at least go back to my current bank with his firm's counteroffer."

"Ever the bargainer for the best price." I smiled. "I can look at the numbers tonight if you'll send them to me."

"No, I'll do it tomorrow." He paused, knowing I had tried to avoid his other topic. "You didn't answer my question."

"The gala?"

There was no answer; I assumed he nodded.

"I don't know...why would you want to take me anyway?" I twirled a lock of hair around my finger before I could do it no longer without pain then released it.

"I want your opinion."

I shook my head. The only opinion he truly valued was his own. "Tell me the real reason. I know you better than that."

I heard him chuckle.


He still did not answer.

"Why do you want to bring me?" I said after a pause, enunciating every word.

"Do I have to have a reason?"

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