February 19

232 19 0

Blahhh, not my best work, but I'm trying! We're on the downhill stretch now, folks!

Two weeks later, I woke up to Thaddeus beside me.  He said nothing, but I knew he was awake due to the sound of his breathing.  I rolled over to face him, and I smiled without telling my lips to do so.  There were still times when my head felt like it was swimming, and my chest still ached, but in general, I was doing far better.  I knew it was mostly due to me admitting I needed help and accepting it from Joe, Kat, and Thaddeus.  Especially with Thaddeus.  We had some more arguments, but none resulted in either of us walking out.  I always knew Thaddeus had a soft spot for me, but it became even more evident in the past two weeks.  His tenderness surprised me, in everything he did.  His touches, his voice...everything.

I clicked once to visualize where Thaddeus was, rubbing down his arm until I found his hand, which I brought to my lips and kissed his fingers.  After a couple moments, I intertwined mine between them and squeezed.  He wiggled his hand from mine and put it behind my neck to pull me forward so he could kiss my forehead as he often did.

"Good morning," I said.

"Morning, little love," he murmured against my skin.

"What time is it?"

He checked his watch. "6:30AM."

"Can I go back to work yet?"


"Thaddeus!" I put both of my hands against his chest. "I'm losing my mind."

"No." He rolled from the bed, and I heard him walk into his bathroom to turn on the sink.

Sighing dramatically, I put swung my legs off the bed to place my feet against the cold hardwood floor.  I followed him to the bathroom and wrapped my arms around Thaddeus's waist to press my cheek against the back of his t-shirt.  He did not acknowledge me until he finished brushing his teeth, at which point he put one hand over mine at the center of his abdomen.

"You've tried this tactic before, and it didn't work."

"I'm not trying anything," I said.

"Sure." His voice was flat with disbelief.

"Can't I check my email just once?"

"I have already told your supervisor you are unable to work, and I will inform her when you can return."

"I haven't worked in...how many weeks now?  I need a paycheck.  I still have bills to pay."

"No, you don't."

"Excuse me?" I blinked, the breath rushing from my lungs. "If you paid my bills, I will murder you."

"I'd like to see you try," he said, pulling my arms from around him. "I'm expecting you to pay me back."

"There's the Thaddeus I know."


I went to his right, turned around, and jumped up onto the counter. "I'm tired of 'resting.'"

Thaddeus pecked my lips with a kiss before walking back to his bedroom to his closet.  I did not bother moving past reaching for my own toothbrush beside the other sink.  By the time I had finished brushing my teeth and washing my face, Thaddeus had reentered the bathroom and planted both hands on either side of me as I stood at the sink.  I turned around and put my hands on Thaddeus's chest, only staying there for a couple seconds before I reached up to adjust the knot of his tie at his neck.

"I'll see you later," I said, surrendering.

"You will."

Another quick kiss, and Thaddeus left, leaving me alone in his apartment.  He had completely removed all of the desktop and laptop computers, and he had even taken my work phone so I could not check my email there, either.  I settled on the couch and turned the TV onto a music station.  I hardly lasted long before I used the remote to turn it my audiobook service.  Thaddeus had taped over the buttons I did not need to use.  I had almost slapped him for it when he put it in my hand for the first time, but now I was thankful, because there was no way on this earth I would be able to find the correct buttons on the plethora of clickable ones on the remote.

Learning How to BendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin