Chapter 5

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The bell rung for lunch to start so I pack my things up and leave  class as quickly as I can.

I stop at my locker to put my binder and books up. As soon as I open my locker, a group of kids knock my things to the ground and walk on laughing.

I lean down, picking up my binder when a hand grabs my book. I look up and there's that bright blue eyed boy. "Here you go...."

I sighed and gave in. "Danielle."

He smiled. "Here you go,Danielle."

I take my book from him and placed in my locker and shuts the door. He walks quietly beside me until we reach the door and he just stops. "Not meaning to be sound nosy or anything do they do that every day?"

I frown a little and shrug. "Yeah..pretty much." The look on Hunters' face had a shocked/sorrowful look to it. He turned and opens the door and holds it open for me. "Thanks..."

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