Chapter 19

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As we pulled into the parking lot at my school, I prepared for stares and whispers. I open the car door and step out and turn to get my backpack and my coffee. When I stood up, Hunter was waiting for me to move out of the way of the door. I step back and he closes the door. I turn and walk toward the school. "Do you think you can hangout with me this summer?" He asks,trying to break the silence between us. "Possibly. I don't see why I wouldn't be able too." He liked this answer.

We continued walking toward the cafeteria and I listened to Hunter talk about some trip that him and his family took to New York last year. "Maybe we can take you on a trip this summer." I chuckled. "I don't think my parents would let me go but okay." He shrugs. "Maybe maybe not." We walk into the cafeteria and we rush over to our table and sit down. One of the teachers jogs to the center of the room and yells: "There's going to be a end of the year pep rally starting at the begging of 5th period. There will also be a end of the year dance tomorrow from 5-11:30."

Hunter looks at me. "So what are you doing tomorr-" "I'll ask my mom." He smiles. "Yeah. I knew what you were fixing to ask." I say,sassily. The bell rung and I took one last sip of my coffee that Hunter bought for me and tossed it into the trash.

In first period, we had to use the laptops that the school bought for a writing assignment. I wasn't really good at writing but my teacher seemed not to mind at all. I forced myself to stay on topic long enough to submit at least a couple of paragraphs so I would have a chance for a passing grade. Typing assignments for Biology were,in my opinion, the worse. I looked over at Hunter's laptop. He seemed to be pretty good at them. I mean of course he is. He practically plays over a thousand instruments and he can write really great songs so surely he can do this.

After about 30 minutes of what seemed like endless typing, I finally got the couple of paragraphs typed and checked for spelling errors and got it submitted before I started second guessing myself. The bell rung for class to be over. As I walked to English, I couldn't stop asking myself 'why does he want to hangout with me all the time?' I mean there were many other girls here that are prettier than me and out of all of those, he uses me to be around.

When I walk into the class, Hunter was already in his seat,talking to some red headed boy(who I never got the name of). There was a folded up piece of paper on my desk. When I sat down, I opened up the paper:

I already called and asked your mom if you could come over today after school and she said that you could(so it's too late to back out of it now).She also said that since you did so well at coming home on time last time, you could stay until 9:30. Don't worry. My parents love it when guests come over. So don't feel like that you're being bother. My mom actually asked me after I dropped you off when were coming back over.



I bought you something. I'll give it to you at lunch.

Well, thanks for giving me an option. I think,playfully. After class ended, I started to wonder what he bought me. When I got to my locker, I placed my hand on the dial for the combination. I got to end this and quickly. I let out a sigh and all of the sudden, I hear a voice behind me. "So can you guess what I got you?" I turned around and there was Hunter in all smiles. I tried to fake a smile and shook my head. "No." I could tell that he knew something was wrong but he knew that I wouldn't want to talk about it and he was right.

I walked to my third period class,listening to Hunter ramble on about his first guitar that was gave to him. I keep thinking about what my dad told me last night. Surely Hunter wasn't like that.

I finally got through third fourth and fifth period. It was finally time to go to lunch. I didn't want to go,but I didn't have a choice. If I didn't show up for for lunch, he'll get all worried and come looking for me.

When I reached the cafeteria door way, I saw Hunter,sitting patiently while drumming his fingers on the table. I walk toward the table and before I actually reach it, he turns around and looks at me and scoots something under his arm. I sit down and stare at him.

After about a few minutes of silence, I start to smirk. "So what did ya get me?" He laughs and hands me a little box wrapped in light blue paper. I slowly tore off the paper. When I got the paper, there in my hand laid a little box. I looked up at Hunter and he just smiles at me. I slowly opened the box. I was surprised at what I found in it...

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