Chapter 21

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   We made it to his car. I started thinking about what my dad said the other day. "I have to go home." The words fell out before I could stop them. "What?' He stopped walking and looked at me. "I...I have to go home. I'm sorry." I wasn't going through what I went through when I came home the first time. I couldn't go through what I went through. When I looked at him, it looked like he was fixing to cry. "I just have too,Hunter. I'll explain why later. I promise." He had the look of confusion and sadness. "Okay." And we started for the car. I didn't want to tell him why I needed to get home. 

  We pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards my house, something inside of me was telling me that I should tell Hunter what my dad did to me after I came home from his house but there was also this feeling that if I told him, he would tell someone. I couldn't tell my mom because she would just take his side... like she does every single time. He turned down the radio and finally broke the silence that lingered in the car. "Did my parents or I do something that made you feel... Awkward?" I was expecting him to ask this.. "No.. I.. I have some things that I need to take care of and I guess my mom didn't realize that I was going to do it today." I felt bad for lying to him. I really did but I couldn't risk telling someone what really happened that night after I got home. 

"Are...Are you sure? Because I can talk to my parents about it..." I sighed. "It wasn't your parents,Hunter. I promise." 


 When I walked into the kitchen, I saw my dad sitting at the kitchen table. I tried to be quiet and not disturb him. I carefully say my backpack on the floor and tiptoed towards the stairs. "Don't even think about going to your room just yet." I froze in my tracks. He got up from the table and turned towards me. "Where have you been?" Should I say that I was at Hunter's house or should I try and make up some lie and hope that he believes it? "I..- He cut me off before I even started speaking. " I know where you been.. And who said that you could go to a boy's house?" I looked at the floor. "Mom." 

I don't see what the problem. I mean his mom and dad was there and I don't even like him. "Mom..Mom said that you could go.. I didn't say that you could go,did I?" I knew this wasn't going to be a happy ending... Apparently mom had been in the bedroom sleeping and heard dad practically yelling at me because she walked into the kitchen and asked what was going on. Dad turned to her and started yelling at her. "Did you say that she could go to a boy's house today?!" Mom grabbed her glasses off the counter and stared at my dad. "Yeah. I did. I thought it would be nice for her to actually hang out with someone from school." 

This response made my dad even madder than before. " And so you just said it was okay for her to go to a boy's house WITHOUT my say so?" I knew that this gonna be a long night. And I didn't wanna deal with it so I took off for the stairs. I heard my dad yell that he wasn't done with me. I just kept going up the stairs. literally long after I heard him following me. When I got to my room, I slammed the door and went to my bed. A few minutes later he came in yelling. I curled up into a tight ball but that didn't stop him.
  He grabbed me by my ankle and literally pulled me off of the bed. When my back hit the floor, I covered my face with my hands and I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but I couldn't get loose. He ended up grabbing both of my hands from face. What he did next was completely unbelievable. He grabbed both of my hands and he smacked me. I never thought of my dad smacking me across the face.. "You are to NEVER see that boy again,Danielle. And I mean it. Or next time it'll be worse." He walked out of my room,slamming my door. 

**End of Flashback**

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