Chapter 20

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   There was a bracelet that came with charms that had musical notes on it and one with a guitar pick on it. He took from the box and put it on for me. It was the nicest thing that was ever given to me. I was lost for words. "Thank you..." I finally choked out. "It's really pretty." The rest of the lunch period was spent by Hunter talking endlessly about going to New York for the first time. I kept looking at the bracelet. It was really pretty. "Have you been anywhere outside of Dayton?" Hunter asked. I quickly lifted up and thought about his question. "If I have, it was when I was little." 

  The bell rang and I picked up my things and we parted ways. My afternoon classes seemed to go quicker than my morning classes. I walked to my 6th period class and as usual, the lights were off and on the screen was something football related. Great. I hated days like this. I should be used to this by now since the teacher was a football coach and there was a scrimmage game this Thursday and then an actual game Friday.  I really hope that Hunter doesn't ask me to go. 

   As I sit there in the dark, something keeps telling me to let him go. I stare at the bracelet that he gave me at lunch. This is the first actual gift I recieved that wasn't from my parents or someone in my family. My grandparents always gave me money,but either my parents or my brother took it.  I took out a pen and a piece of paper. I need to tell Hunter that we can't be friends. He needs to realize that I'm not the one he wants to hangout with. How do I word this so it isn't so harsh? Moments later, the bell rung and I laid the blank piece of paper back in my binder and stuck the pen in my jenas pocket. When I got a foot out the door, I saw Hunter standing at the door. "Are you ready to go?" He asked,in all smiles. Oh. Shoot. I forgot that I was going to his house today. 

"Yep!" I replied,trying to be confident. I think it worked because he smiled. As we walked towards the parking lot, I tried to think of a way to maybe tell him that I think we shouldn't be hangout like this so much. I mean don't get me wrong, it's nice to have someone there to talk to,but after being alone for so long...You kinda prefer being alone..

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